blank chart resource


I found this website for printable chart blanks, both with signs & house numbers & just the wheel.
the site says right click & hit print. My computer did not give me that option so I saved it as a .bmp and that worked fine.


Thanks Lunalafey, these are always very useful.

I also have one without sign glyphs - you have to write these in yourself - but it enables you to have the Ascendant in the 'right place' at 9 o'clock

I think I originally copied this from Parkers' Astrology. Like Lunalafey's this really only works well with equal house systems.


Good idea! I don't like the charts my computer program prints out - I like being able to draw in the information myself. I'll bet I could have fun color coding with these! :)


Yes, you can write on just what you want, colour code in your own colours and of course you increase your familiarity with the chart simply through the process of writing everything in.

Perhaps its my age, but sometimes with computer generated charts I miss things, or have to look carefully to find them. When you write them in yourself, you know where they are and possibly thought about the meanings as you build up the chart.


without the glyphs is what I ment by just the wheel......
so for clarity- this site has two chart blanks-
one with signs already in place and
one that is without the signs for drawing them in

When I began to study astrology, My charts where drawn up starting with a compleatly blank piece of paper. There is something to be said for going through the motions of pen to paper & writing the signs & planets into a chart.



I am growing old :) I didn't scroll down on that link lunalafey! I really must learn about those funny grey bars on the side of the screen!

In the old days (about 30 years ago) when I took up Astrology for the second time, I started completely from scratch, using a pair of compasses - but I must admit that a preprinted form is much easier, whilst still allowing you to build up the chart.