Royo Dark Tarot - Kingdom of Chalices


Chalices (or cups) traditionally represent the element of water, and the emotional realm. This kingdom is actually a lot more pleasant than the fire realm. It focuses on the cleansing and healing power of water and love.

King of Chalices
At first glance, this card looks scary. The king is a hooded, demonic looking creature like some sort of reaper. His face looks skeletal, and there is blood dripping from his mouth. He has a beautiful woman in his grasp. If you look beneath the surface, there is more to be revealed. The woman is not scared, and his embrace is gentle or at least as gentle as it can be with those sharp claws. In his other hand, he is holding some sort of charm. A gift for the woman. I might not have realized this was love had I not read the description. "He who conquered love. Looking beyond appearance, beyond words, beyond the senses." After reading that then looking back at the image, it makes sense. Look beyond the appearance. This is love.

Queen of Chalices
This is the same woman pictured with the King. I know Royo uses a lot of the same models for his artwork, but in this case I believe it's intentional. She is dressed differently, but it's the same face. Here she is pictured in a hooded robe, like the King. In the description it says, "The companion. She who converts scratches into caresses and chains to flowers. The look of poetry. The absence of fear." It all becomes clearer now. This is the woman the King fell in love with, and you can see why. Despite his frightening appearance, she did not fear him. She saw through that, and although his claws scratched her skin and made her bleed she felt the caress of love. It's like Beauty and the Beast, a beautiful love story. The Queen is the definition of inner and outer beauty, a true lover and healer at heart.

Knight of Chalices
The Knight of Chalices is female. She seems to be some sort of fairy, with elf like ears and small blue wings. She rides on top of a giant rodent-like creature. She looks calm and confident. The background is blue, with some dead looking trees and strange formations. The description states that she faces the perils of the human heart to conquer it. "She is armed with truth but rides on a lie." She's holding some sort of staff with red feathers attached, I think. Being the knight of the emotional realm, the description and imagery seem fitting. She rides calm and confidently, ready to conquer whatever emotional perils she may have to face.

Knave of Chalices
The Knave of Chalices is a woman standing firmly facing sideways, holding a sword upright and carrying other swords. Her eyes are closed and her head is tilted downwards towards the sword. She looks like she's in meditation. Her surroundings look like some sort of cave with walls of demonic faces. The card is also tinted blue. The description mentions the control of strange forces, the triumph of meditation and discipline, and the interior and exterior. Seems fitting, especially since knaves (or pages) are supposed to be the earthy part of their respective realm. She is a perfect balance of water and earth, intuitive and grounded. With this balance, she can easily conquer anything.

As I said, this is a much more pleasant kingdom than that of Wands. A much more functional family as well. Each member of this royal family would be valuable guides in conquering the emotional realm. Feel free to add your insight, and if you want to discuss an isolated card in more depth just make a thread on it!


I agree about the king of chalices. When I first saw the card I was like oh my god that does not seem pleasant. Looking at the card now it's like he's saying "I'm here for you. I want you to have this. Accept me as I am." I'll admit though the way the woman appears she seems unsure. Unsure if she wants to accept the gift but she leans back against his arm showing affection. To me it's like she's portraying I accept you but I am not sure I want to accept a gift.

Queen of Chalices: Absolutely the true lover and healer. I love that idea of Beauty and the Beast. To me it looks like she's saying "I am worthy of you. I can give you everything you ever gave to me." She looks like she's saying come to me it's alright I wont hurt you.

Knight of Chalices: She does look very ready for battle. It's like she's going in fearlessly. If you put this in the context of like a relationship to me it says. "I'm ready to fight for you." In context to oneself I believe your right she does seem ready to fight her emotions and decide which should win.

Knave of Chalices: This card has always caused me some difficulty to understand. To me it looks like she's trying to calm the war that's inside herself. Tame the demons that are haunting her. Your right in the way she's trying to find peace and balance. The light around her looks like she's using her strength to keep those demon faces at bay. To me it looks like she's saying to the sword "I am safe and protected. So I can close my eyes and relax because they can't touch me."