Royo Dark Tarot - The Emperor IV


This card shows a muscular, bearded man standing and wielding a sword who looks like he is ready to battle. The environment looks like some sort of dark forest with trees and no visible creatures, but there could be some lurking in the corners. Although the forest looks dark, there is a light that appears to be emitting from The Emperor himself. It makes sense because he is the "Sun King", opposite of The Empress who is the moon queen. He represents "the masculine principle", realization and power over the world. "He hunts and tames the beasts of the physical or material world", which is the opposite of The Empress who soothes or manipulates them. Thoughts?


The emperor when I look at him first comes to mind is strong; discipline and leader; a willing fighter; a planner;................. Sometimes he can throw me for a lope though and I wont know what it is he's trying to show me.