I need a spread to predict 6 months future.


I have seen 21 card spread talking about the self, whats going around you, dreams and wishes, what you expect, what you don't expect, nearer future 2-3 months , further future - 6 months.

However I sometimes feel 21 cards are a lot to deal with. Can someone suggest me a spread involving lesser cards and still discussing all the above parameters?
Can it be a 7 card reading?


Some advise to make up your own spreads all the time, so yes, I don't see why it couldn't be a 7-card spread, with the positions you have listed. One card for each facet of the question would give plenty of depth if that's what you want... How about trying it and seeing whether it works for you?

But there are lots of other people better qualified to answer this one than I am!


This was pretty helpful too . thank you :)


SPREAD - Astrological Square

1 - 2 - 3 - 4
5 - 6 - 7 - 8
9 - 10 - 11 -12

1 - Me
2 - Finances
3 - Communication
4 - Home
5 - Fun
6 - Health
7 - Relationship
8 - Sex
9 - Spirituality
10 - Work
11 - Social
12 - Karma [ Advice to overcome all the situation in our life ]

TIMING SPREAD - This spread works for 3 a 6 months

Source: Cartas Maiores


thank you . Are there anymore?


I culdn't find the one I am looking .

I really need a compact 6 month future tarot spread.

Or a general overview spread talking about finance, romance, and other such areas of life.


I have seen 21 card spread talking about the self, whats going around you, dreams and wishes, what you expect, what you don't expect, nearer future 2-3 months , further future - 6 months.

However I sometimes feel 21 cards are a lot to deal with. Can someone suggest me a spread involving lesser cards and still discussing all the above parameters?
Can it be a 7 card reading?

How about a take on the Seven Sisters Spread?


1. Self 2. What is close to you 3. Dreams and wishes (or Hopes & Fears) 4. What you expect 5. What you don't expect 6. Possibilities 2-3 months 7. Possibilities 6 months.



I culdn't find the one I am looking .

I really need a compact 6 month future tarot spread.

Or a general overview spread talking about finance, romance, and other such areas of life.

This is kinda off the top of my head.

1. Where you are now
2. Career & MOney now
3. Career & Money in 6months
4. Family & Health now
5 Framily & Health in 6 months
6. Friends & Lovers now
7. Friends & lovers in 6 months
8. Where you are in 6 months.

So that basically the Left column is the present and the Right column is the future.


How about a take on the Seven Sisters Spread?


1. Self 2. What is close to you 3. Dreams and wishes (or Hopes & Fears) 4. What you expect 5. What you don't expect 6. Possibilities 2-3 months 7. Possibilities 6 months.


I like this one . Thanks