Fool and Wheel for relationship?


Well I did a spread for a friend on a new possible relationship. For the question "Will the relationship last?" I got the 0 Fool, clarified by X Wheel of Fortune. I've been thinking that they could end off as they've started, and continue moving on? But also, it could mean that they're not so serious together? Or maybe some higher karmic cycle is at work (Fool being beginning and end of cycle, and so does Wheel)? Maybe in the right light, they'll have a new relationship with nothing tying them down?

I could tell my friend any of these, but really I am confused on it myself. I'm not sure how to say whether it'll last or not? To me it seems like it might, but perhaps I'm being to hopeful?


I'd say that it probably won't last. The Fool is stepping off the cliff and the Wheel turns, dumping whoever is on top of it off into the drink, so it seems pretty clearly showing that it probably won't last as I see it, just considering those two cards and not knowing the rest of them.


The Fool doesn't know what he wants yet. He's jumping in, but has no idea where he's going. But The Wheel keeps turning, there are ups and downs. There's passion & good times for a while, but life moves on and so will The Fool.

In short, it'll be fun for a while, but it's not a long-term relationship.

I guess pretty much what Griz said.


I'd say that it probably won't last. The Fool is stepping off the cliff and the Wheel turns, dumping whoever is on top of it off into the drink, so it seems pretty clearly showing that it probably won't last as I see it, just considering those two cards and not knowing the rest of them.

I guess it's more likely that it won't last, and since these two are majors, perhaps there's some 'higher up' powers at work here. And perhaps they'll feel like it's foolish if they do get together. Maybe it's just gonna be a short lived and innocent type of love.

Thank you for the input Grizabella :D


The Fool doesn't know what he wants yet. He's jumping in, but has no idea where he's going. But The Wheel keeps turning, there are ups and downs. There's passion & good times for a while, but life moves on and so will The Fool.

In short, it'll be fun for a while, but it's not a long-term relationship.

I guess pretty much what Griz said.

Hmm well perhaps you're right. I'm sure both of them don't know where they're headed right now, but then they'll have fun while it lasts. My friend did tell me that things are 'complicated' so to speak.

Thanks Trogon :D


One thing, this is one of those 'iffy' questions asking yes or no, rather than the quality of the relationship potential. If it lasts is going to depend on how committed they are to holding on for the ride, but the Fool... is on a journey of discovery more than committing himself to more than that.

It could be saying a lot of things, that they are jumping into a relationship, taking a leap of faith that will have it's share of ups and downs

this is a pattern they have of jumping into relationships and bailing when things change or become difficult.

it takes a leap of faith, to follow what Fate has in store for you and to focus on the positive and trust . Seems like the Fool and the Wheel is falling in love, hard and fate will be what they make of it.


Doesn't the wheel usually mean good fortune? It's a little surprising that it could mean something not so good.


Doesn't the wheel usually mean good fortune? It's a little surprising that it could mean something not so good.
Well, as the saying goes, "lady luck is a fickle mistress". Yes, quite often The Wheel of Fortune does indicate good fortune. And usually it is pretty good to get The Wheel in a reading (I like seeing them anyway :)). But it also refers to the ups and downs of Fortune. It's the cycle of ups and downs that I was getting on this one.


The Fool does know what he/she wants, but does not care what anyone else thinks about it and does it anyway. They are a free spirit. The Wheel is constantly moving, what goes up, must come down, what is down will come up. The promise of the wheel is that nothing stays stagnant, change is a constant. The wheel is accepting what is, and making the most out of it.

The Fool in a relationship would be very iffy, spin the wheel and see how they are today, tomorrow may be different. You would be taking your chances in this relationship. I do not believe the Fool would not be content for long and would move on.


Well I did a spread for a friend on a new possible relationship. For the question "Will the relationship last?" I got the 0 Fool, clarified by X Wheel of Fortune. I've been thinking that they could end off as they've started, and continue moving on? But also, it could mean that they're not so serious together? Or maybe some higher karmic cycle is at work (Fool being beginning and end of cycle, and so does Wheel)? Maybe in the right light, they'll have a new relationship with nothing tying them down?

I could tell my friend any of these, but really I am confused on it myself. I'm not sure how to say whether it'll last or not? To me it seems like it might, but perhaps I'm being to hopeful?

I would probably opt to rephrase the question entirely. Unless you pull all manner of sunshine and rainbow cards, you are going to needlessly upset your friend with fatalistic nonsense vs. empower her to make the future she wants. The Wheel and the Fool are both indicative of the fact that the future is always changing and we are the ones out there who put things in motion. Consider asking instead 'how should x best approach this relationship?' If she's coming to you with concerns, explore them, or check out any number of the spreads on here that show the relationship from the perspectives of both parties.