The Book of Thoth


I use the same online version of the Book of Thoth that you mentioned. I treasure it. I find it slicingly funny and deeply stimulating.

isthmus nekoi

Got the hardcopy at a used book store. I have found it to be very very helpful, although it is good to have some basic knowledge of astrology, alchemy etc to understand it. Some of the kaballah stuff goes right over my head.


As others have said, the Book of Thoth is the indeed the definitive reference for the Thoth deck. Since I already have enough(!) books on basic Tarot (Pollack, Greer etc.), I also use Banzhaf's "Keywords for the Crowley Tarot" book. This book (imo) adds sufficient concise Thoth specific information and is perhaps (initially) more approachable than the Book of Thoth? It is also generally in-keeping with the keyword approach to e.g. Thoth minors.



ideas on what basic books do i read

Greetings all .Was wondering that since studying crowley's Book of thoth seems a prerequisite for this tarot .Myself included did find his work quite scholary .

To help in filling out the jigsaw about tarot ,i found myself reading up on mythology greek ,celtic ,egyptian, far east ,south pacific, indian ,persian

also some attention was given to study of Qabalah

I might reccomend emily peach tarot handbook (i think)

ted Andrews introduction to qabalah ( i think)

mystical qabalah by dion fortune

For the more adventurous Of course Crowley's 777

basic books on astrology , explaining elements ,zodiac signs ,planets .symbols

as are texts on psychology explaining archtypes ,symbols ,
i.e symbols of transformation by Carl gustav Jung

the point of all this is reading around the subject is to help in familairising oneself with the language of how tarot forces operate

rather than obvious books on the thoth tarot ( thou these help in familiarity with images from thoth deck)look around

Regards Bagheera


Re: ideas on what basic books do i read

bagheera444 said:
Greetings all .Was wondering that since studying crowley's Book of thoth seems a prerequisite for this tarot .Myself included did find his work quite scholary .

Yes, a lot has yet to be learned. 4 me, that is...

Thank you for your sharing.



Oh yes, I've read the first few chapters, and had to sit back and go "Wow....that's...deep..." A few times I've had to re-read and try to chew through it. It's definitely not exactly light reading.


i've had a pretty hard time getting through the book of thoth. i figured a good idea would be to read through it once a little confused and then re-read it again sometime and hope that it becomes a bit clearer.


I've got The Book of Thoth, as well as The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie. I haven't found time yet to fumble through them though. :-/


I would suggest you read only the Book of Thoth in relation to the Thoth deck. It contains more than enough theory, and is enough in itself to lead to great practice.

From there just meditating on the cards and making your own connections and comunicants , will always lead in a rewarding direction. Indeed Tarot has its mystic because of its images, they are triggers of the mind in themselves.

Theory and practice can easily be swamped by dogma.
