the purpose of the Thoth deck


How is doing your weeding during descending Moon last quarter different from doing a ritual and burying a Jupiter talisman? Why is one real magic and the other idiocy/common magic? (These are honest questions, I'm not getting at you.)

'S cool, I Emphasise the 'and do nothing else' bit.

I didnt mean to make a distinction between the Moon weeding and the talsiman, they are both applications IMO of 'magick'.

To wave a wand over the garden ... and do nothing else ... or to bury the talsiman and do nothing else (like water and weed the garden) is the idiocy.

The first; 'magick' implies learning and applying on all planes; proven agricutural, principles, the cycles of the earth and the cosmos, the laws which govern plant growth and how far they can 'bend', using various biodynamic preparations which use subtle forces contained within the plant and mineral worlds, field broadcasters, talismans, etc. And particularly the application of them by a 'magician' (or good farmer or gardener) one utalising the four interior worlds; intuition, feeling, rational thought and application - all important in agriculture.

To ignore all that and use one 'spell' and 'wave a wand over the garden' is the idiotic bit. Its the quick fix magic approach and not magick IMO


'S cool, I Emphasise the 'and do nothing else' bit.

I didnt mean to make a distinction between the Moon weeding and the talsiman, they are both applications IMO of 'magick'.

To wave a wand over the garden ... and do nothing else ... or to bury the talsiman and do nothing else (like water and weed the garden) is the idiocy.

The first; 'magick' implies learning and applying on all planes; proven agricutural, principles, the cycles of the earth and the cosmos, the laws which govern plant growth and how far they can 'bend', using various biodynamic preparations which use subtle forces contained within the plant and mineral worlds, field broadcasters, talismans, etc. And particularly the application of them by a 'magician' (or good farmer or gardener) one utalising the four interior worlds; intuition, feeling, rational thought and application - all important in agriculture.

To ignore all that and use one 'spell' and 'wave a wand over the garden' is the idiotic bit. Its the quick fix magic approach and not magick IMO

I agree with this entirely. :)