Housewives- Three of Cups


This three is very different from most 3's in other tarot decks. Most seem to have 3 girls or something along those lines, this is very very different.

This shows what looks to be a dessert cup at the bottom and two goblets pouring above. And a baby in the middle. One goblet is pouring red liquid and the other blue liquid. And in the cup at the bottom they appear to be mixing and creating purple liquid.

My immediate perception says that this is how you make a baby. You take the mom- red and the dad- blue and mix the genetics and get baby-purple.

going further with this analogy..... I'm synesthetic. It's a combining of the senses and a scientific phenomena. For me it manifests as colors in my inner mind. My senses have colors. The ticking of a clock for example is often brown. Depending on the tone. But more than that, ideas and abstracts have colors too, and this card matches the colors I see thinking about sex. A column of twisting red and blue malleable cords, sometimes mixing together and the edges turn purple. I never thought of it in the way of making a baby, but i suppose it fits.

Something about this card puts me off though, and I think it's because I'm so used to the more common depiction of the three of cups. I usually associate this card with socializing, getting to know people and networking. Collaboration, working in a team.

Hmmm, ok, I guess I see how that can correlate to this. But it is a bit of a stretch for me.


I agree it is more usual to see a party with three women on this card. On another hand, I can see the baby as something needing some nurture to grow and mature. It also makes me think of my daughter but that's another story...


I agree it is more usual to see a party with three women on this card. On another hand, I can see the baby as something needing some nurture to grow and mature. It also makes me think of my daughter but that's another story...

thinking more about this, it almost seems like making a baby and nurturing it, etc, is more under the jurisdiction of the 2 of cups.....a partnership, etc, bringing something (the baby) to fruition together. Not the 3, which seems to be to be more about teams of more than two than it is about partnering to create something. Maybe I have a limited view of the 3. I'm not sure.