King of Cups-Journey into Egypt Tarot


King of Cups
Full moon in Capricorn
The King of Cups is the divine masculine just as Osiris/Dionysis is played by Ptolemy XII Auletes and Mark Antony, who served as a priest of this cult. Revelers dance in the background as panthers and goat spirits flow through the dancers. In Alexandria Cleopatra and Antony form a society dedicated to the cult of the mystical god Dionysus. Known as “inimitable livers” no one can live life the way they can.

Mark Antony calls himself Neo Dionysus meaning the new Dionysus, while Cleopatra calls herself the new Isis. They are religious people. The Dionysian Cult is a Mystery Religion and only the initiates know what they do during their sacred rites. In Michael Baigent’s book The Jesus Papers we get a hint of the co-mingling of religions in this time period. Baigent’s describes Alexandria as a multicultural hub of intellect and religious competition, a city where Greek is the common language for trade. Many temples compete for business, winning over people by magically opening doors engineered using sand and ropes and gears.

The use of holy oils (olive oil infused with cannabis and other exotic psychotropic plants) connect people with other dimensions. The ancient rituals of sharing sacred bread and wine followed by ecstatic dancing, passion plays, re-enactments, and shamanic experiences, are viewed by outsiders as debauchery and foolishness, but for thousands of years their ancestors lived their spirituality and they merged with their gods. We know from historical accounts that on many occasions Cleopatra disguised herself in the garments of her servants to join Antony in the streets for revelries and a night of drinking with the regular folks of Alexandria.

Card meaning: In a reading the King of Cups is not afraid of a little drama; nothing seems to rattle him. He is sensitive to the needs of others; he is diplomatic and empathetic. He is a spiritual person and likes to participate in his own spirituality. He is passionate with the women he loves, giving himself completely to his feelings; he is not afraid to give away his heart. This card can represent a man who connects to his animal nature and is not afraid to let loose.
©2013 Julie Cuccia-Watts


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A wonderful description, thank you!