Ten of swords vs. reversed ten of wands as outcome


I have been facing a problem. I have two options in front of me
For option one the outcome was ten of swords. Could it be: bad, it will cause pain? Or could it be the end of the problem?!

Option 2: the outcome is Rx ten of wands? More difficulty, burdens?!

As a comparison which card carries more positivity?



Both outcomes could be summed up by the phrase "It's all uphill from here." In the case of the 10S that would mean that the worst is over and things will get better. In the case of the 10W Rx that would mean not only are you still carrying the burden, but the path gets steeper.

So I would see the 10S as the lesser of the two evils.



Thank you!
That was what I thought...


I agree with Rws.

The only thing I would add is that with the 10 of Swords - it is quite a definitive path. You've done everything - you've exhausted all options and there's a little sense of melodrama with *ahem* TEN swords. I mean, isn't one sword in the back enough? :) 10 seems like a bit of an operatic scene. But sometimes, that's exactly how we feel.

The 10 of wands rx however, it seems like there's still a lot of energy to work with, hard and uncompromising yes - but it can be reversed, in some situations. There is still room to 'move' as it were and you can still work on delegating those wands, *once* you've gained ground on that situation.

But if it's not workable - hey, ten swords it is!