Universal Fantasy - Knave of Chalices


What a weird card! One of my least favorites in this deck, but that's all the more reason for me to sit down study it. We definitely see the fantasy aspect here!

The knave is standing beside a huge fish. For being a fish it doesn't look as if it needs to be in water. The knave has a protective (or comforting?) hand upon the fish which shows he clearly owns it. Does the fish have powers? What the heck is his purpose? They appear to be traveling somewhere and only stopping for a rest.

One thing that caught my attention was the knaves cup, it's empty and he's holding it upside down. To me this signifies a loss of something.

But what is in the pack around his waist?

This is a frustrating card... the more I look at it, the more questions I have but can't seem to answer.