So Below - Book of Shadows II - ACE of CHALICES ~ UNDINES

La Force


A hand with a pink bracelet around the wrist, extends out from the right side of the card. Hold up a silver chalice, that is over flowing with water. The Undines are part of the water flowing down the chalice on either side, one looks to be diving, while the other looks to be fast paced gliding. There is one other Undine, she looks to have been flying around the stem of the chalice, like super man. Water drips down over the hand, as well from the base of the chalice. The Back ground is a soft golden yellow.


The Chalice is one of the Four elemental tools and represents the elements of Water. It is a symbol of containment and often represent the womb of the Goddess.

The base is symbolic of the material world, the stem symbolises the connection between man and spirit and the rim or opening symbolically receives spiritual energy.

The chalice can be made of any material, in times of old - horns, shells, and gourds were used to hold sacred liquids during ritual, and then in later times - silver became the preferred material, having long been associated with the moon and the Goddess.

The chalice is used to hold the blessed water and wine during ritual. It is traditional in many covens to pass the chalice around all members, who then take a drink as a token of unity.

You can get a chalice of any substance, including somewhat expensive metallic ones, but a simple glass normally used for wine will do the job perfectly. You will sometimes need an additional one for holding wine.


Items: Immerse the item in water, preferably natural water like the Sea, a River, or a Lake. If these are not available to you, use a bowl of water and add a few pinches of Sea salt. Leave submerged for a couple of hours before removing and drying the item off.

La Force

My first impression of the Ace of Chalices ~ Undines. Seriously, you've got to be kidding, get out. This is the worst Ace of cups, if I ever saw one. Nothing more to say, sorry.