So Below - Book of Shadows II - THE PAGE OF CHALICES ~ UNDINES

La Force


This is a scene of " New emotions ". Josh stares into his back yard Koi pond, looking at his reflection in the water. He has meet someone else, who has captured his heart. He is head over heels for her. These emotions are new to him.

Red lilies flowers float with the lily pads on the surface of the water. The ponds water is glistening and reflecting the Suns golden light. Josh puts his hand into the water and gives it a swirl, creating ripples which distorts his reflection.

There's two Undines. One rises up grasping her hands on her heart. She's pyning in love with the hearts desires. The other Undine is floating above and looking down at Josh's reflection in the water.

Green symbolizes: love, compassion, hope, healing, and a nurturing nature. It calms and renews balance and growth.

Red symbolizes: desire, passion, vitality, strength, action, initiative and revolution.

Gold/yellow symbolizes: spirituality, compassion, wisdom, curiosity, insight, intuition,and sensitivity.

LWB said:
Explores his intuitions and dreams

All of the Pages learn lessons, relating to there suit. They are beginners, they can be dependent and needy. By paying attention to the suit, you get a hint about their motives and priorities. The Pages usually don't have powerful or far reaching influences, they are more likely to request or offer help and support. The Pages also are just learning to figuring out how something works, feels, or determining if it is right for them.

Cups being so very emotional, may be irrational or obsessive.
Page of Cups; Someone who is ready to try something new in emotions, relationships, or art.

The Page of Cups is learning to explore his/her intuition, visions and dreams.