So Below - Book of Shadows II -THE PAGE OF SWORDS ~ SYLPHS

La Force


This is a scene of " sending a message". Kristen is out on a foggy day. The fog fills the air with dark gloomy mist. Kristen has blonde hair and is wearing a golden yellow dress, with a white collar, cuffs and white belt. Kristen is flying a kite, that is red, orange, and yellow. Kristen taped a photo of the Sylph she wishes to contact for help. The tail of the kite is made of flowers. The Sylph heard Kristen message and flies in to help her out. The Sylph has golden yellow wings like a dragon fly. The Sylph is wearing a purple dress.

LWB said:
Experiments with ideas, thought systems, and philosophies

All of the Pages learn lessons, relating to there suit. They are beginners, they can be dependent and needy. By paying attention to the suit, you get a hint about their motives and priorities. The Pages usually don't have powerful or far reaching influences, they are more likely to request or offer help and support. The Pages also are just learning to figuring out how something works, feels, or determining if it is right for them.

Swords can be cold and distant.
Page of Swords; Someone who is ready to try something new in relation to ideas, systems, or communication.

The Page of Swords is learning to experiment with ideas, thought systems and philosophies.