How can tarot answer about others' feelings?


Fine; I agree - then do that. Don't involve a third party (the reader) in doing it for you.

@ Barleywine - sure, warn if you see a risk. That's not the same as asking "Is my partner planning to kill me ?" "What do you need to know about this relationship ?" will take the reader to "it's dangerous."

Precisely. It comes down to asking the question in the most constructive, least invasive way. That might make it less "pointed" but also less volatile, while still getting the message across. In my experience, tarot is very good at subtleties without having to wrap them in psychologically-charged language.

Actually, I don't have to do that. My cards will give more details related to what is taking place between the two people. That being said I can choose both or either one. And, the third party has the right to accept or refuse my request.

If he is divorced, why? Is he tempermental? Violent? Selfish? Tarot can tell me those things whereas divorce records may not. Many women marry psychopaths who deceived them into believing that he is prince charming and many times we learn of those unfortunate circumstances on the news or some type of crime show.


What about people with the full gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience , clairaudience and claircognizance etc... Could their minds and extra-sensory abilities be described as 'unethical' because they know how someone is feeling about them? Should they're gifts be described as just plain old snooping, voyeurism and invasion? In saying 'unethical' one is connoting the words;

corrupt, shady, unfair, wrong etc...

ALL quite negative aspects!

To me it feels as if the group of people that suggests that in asking the divine about another person is underhanded, they are in some way saying that the person asking the questions IS underhanded. That their character is unethical eg corrupt, shady, unfair, wrong...

Of course I could be quite wrong (maybe I should consult my cards to find out... That was a joke hehe) but let's be honest... the insinuations are definitely floating around in the air.

I definitely think it's up to you whatever you choose. But a great question you could ask yourself is if you had never read any type of rules on this matter, would you be conflicted right now?



Essentially, tarot cards are a deterministic system of structure. They have no purpose of their own and display no choice. It is basically a diagnostic tool that serves the purposes and choices of it's user/controller. So, when you ask:

Brown Eyed Mystic said: can a tarot reading answer questions such as what is one person feeling/thinking about another?...

What you are really asking is: how can a person controlling those tarot cards answer questions about what one person may be thinking/feeling about another. The answers are varied, obviously! The tarot cards/tarot structure is deterministic; it can do just about anything a person could think of making it do. The person however, and all their inputs into that tarot system (determining a reading and therefore the output of meaning), is much harder to quantify the how of even if the outcomes prove accurate. Some people believe its okay to read on third parties, some people believe it's not, some people believe -whatever- and that's not really the point. The tarot provides you with a system of guidelines that may help filter your own perspective in order to arrive at an answer. I don't believe there is a question the tarot cannot answer. I believe there are people without the knowledge, skill, comfort or ethics who cannot answer certain questions.

That doesn't make them wrong! And it doesn't make the persons reading on certain questions like that wrong either, necessarily. It's personal preferences, ethics, etc. that a person abides to that get put into the reading which helps determine an outcome. If you do not feel comfortable reading on other people's thoughts/feelings (for whatever reason), then don't do it.

There may be other things that are input to a reading beyond the reader -- maybe natural laws regarding physics or spirit. There's no way to determine the validity of input of those things and whether they act as safeguards or open wide a third-party's energy and space to you. Maybe it is a matter of "The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you" and that person opens up to you and your reading on a spiritual level, maybe they don't. Who knows! No one here is going to be able to answer that. :D All people here can tell you is what they personally prefer. So that is what I'll say to you: do what you feel is best. Read Responsibly - according to YOU.


This question boils down to what is your personal fundamental philosophy about tarot, do you believe readings come within you somehow? or are they from spirits? or are they from the universe? or something else? if the readings come from us or our subconscious then someone else's feelings are what we think they are or maybe we have picked up at some deep level and don't realise, but that is is our perception. If they are from spirits or an external source then we are getting the information through that way. I am not sure how tarot works to be honest, I can't decide where the messages come from.

But then like gregory suggested is the question of ethics and privacy. Is it okay to ask about someone's feelings about us? for me feelings for another third party person breaks my line of privacy.

I have asked about someone's feelings about me because I thought that loathed me! The answer that came up was that they were pretty distant to everyone and don't reveal themselves, don't take it personally. This was pretty spot on in reality. The tarot helped me deal with that situation. However I once saw on AT some years ago, someone who did a spread to find out about a new person in their life and what they thought their feelings were to the querent. It came up really negative and the poster wanted to dump them out of their life immediately. I always think "feelings" readings shouldn't be taken too seriously.

I completely agree with danieljuk here. The tarot can be incredibly useful for gaining insight into another person 's feelings which affects their actions and motivations. There cannot be much more that is important to us in life. how others affect us. I have used tarot to good effect to understand others in relation to myself. People can be two faced. people can be shy. These can confuse. I have never yet felt I was spying. I am asking, after all, to help myself. I can' t say either that the cards have been wrong. They have helped me see things clearly. And this has helped me feel calm, accepting and at peace.


Essentially, tarot cards are a deterministic system of structure. They have no purpose of their own and display no choice. It is basically a diagnostic tool that serves the purposes and choices of it's user/controller. So, when you ask...
What you are really asking is: how can a person controlling those tarot cards answer questions about what one person may be thinking/feeling about another. The answers are varied, obviously! The tarot cards/tarot structure is deterministic; it can do just about anything a person could think of making it do.
...I believe there are people without the knowledge, skill, comfort or ethics who cannot answer certain questions.

That doesn't make them wrong! And it doesn't make the persons reading on certain questions like that wrong either, necessarily. It's personal preferences, ethics, etc. that a person abides to that get put into the reading which helps determine an outcome. If you do not feel comfortable reading on other people's thoughts/feelings (for whatever reason), then don't do it.
...Read Responsibly - according to YOU.

Beautifully summarised Amanda. Thankyou.


Essentially, tarot cards are a deterministic system of structure. They have no purpose of their own and display no choice. It is basically a diagnostic tool that serves the purposes and choices of it's user/controller. <snip>

What you are really asking is: how can a person controlling those tarot cards answer questions about what one person may be thinking/feeling about another. The answers are varied, obviously! The tarot cards/tarot structure is deterministic; it can do just about anything a person could think of making it do. The person however, and all their inputs into that tarot system (determining a reading and therefore the output of meaning), is much harder to quantify the how of even if the outcomes prove accurate. Some people believe its okay to read on third parties, some people believe it's not, some people believe -whatever- and that's not really the point. The tarot provides you with a system of guidelines that may help filter your own perspective in order to arrive at an answer. I don't believe there is a question the tarot cannot answer. I believe there are people without the knowledge, skill, comfort or ethics who cannot answer certain questions.

That doesn't make them wrong! And it doesn't make the persons reading on certain questions like that wrong either, necessarily. It's personal preferences, ethics, etc. that a person abides to that get put into the reading which helps determine an outcome. If you do not feel comfortable reading on other people's thoughts/feelings (for whatever reason), then don't do it.

There may be other things that are input to a reading beyond the reader -- maybe natural laws regarding physics or spirit. There's no way to determine the validity of input of those things and whether they act as safeguards or open wide a third-party's energy and space to you. Maybe it is a matter of "The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you" and that person opens up to you and your reading on a spiritual level, maybe they don't. Who knows! No one here is going to be able to answer that. :D All people here can tell you is what they personally prefer. So that is what I'll say to you: do what you feel is best. Read Responsibly - according to YOU.
Yes it is a personal ethic thing. I agree.

But when you say:
Maybe it is a matter of "The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you" and that person opens up to you and your reading on a spiritual level, maybe they don't.
That can apply to your sitter - but NOT to that putative third person, whose Buddha within hasn't been asked to greet your Buddha within, and who has not been given the choice of opening up (or not).


My say

I am in no way an expert. My thoughts are that reading for someone is necessarily going to involve other people as no man is an island! When I do a reading around relationships I do my best to focus on the sitter and what they can do to empower themselves and be the best they can within a relationship. One instance that stands out for me was a woman in a seriously abusive relationship; she knew she was, but sadly thought that this is just the way things are. By looking at the cards together she was able to understand a bit more that her partner had no right to treat her the way he did, and also see an alternative for her. I made sure she had phone numbers of help lines and know as she told me a couple of years later that she had eventually left the man. The reading I did for her showed her being seriously injured if she stayed.
But - I have done many readings for sitters asking if their ex will return to them, if Y will leave his wife etc etc and I believe the cards have often said "no way", yet the same people will carry on asking the same question time and again.
If someone asks about another person so that they, themselves can form some sort of closure and move on, then I feel it is okay. But why ask if you are not prepared to accept the answer.
Sorry if that is a change of subject.


That can apply to your sitter - but NOT to that putative third person, whose Buddha within hasn't been asked to greet your Buddha within, and who has not been given the choice of opening up (or not).

I agree with you, but I can also disagree with you. :D

What you're talking about here comes down to a person's locus of control (which would be another input of a reader for a tarot reading). What you've said tells me that you believe things happen to people because of their own actions. Well, my locus of control is probably a little more loose and I probably go both ways, especially when it comes to tarot -- I think I control some things, and I think there are other things that may occur separate of my actions. Then there may be others out there reading tarot who are more geared towards believing that everything is up to fate.

So, how do you know for instance, that your sitter wanting to know how their ex-lover feels about them wasn't some pre-arranged spiritual thing by all of you before this life started? How do you know that spirit guides or guardian angels cannot make that arrangement of opening an energetic connection in the moment between your higher self and the third-party's higher self at the time of the reading for the benefit of your sitter?

How do you know, because I can't prove or disprove those happenings. You may be less likely to believe those things are possible because you may have a stronger belief that people control events (and therefore their tarot readings) by their own actions, but what about other tarot readers who believe there might be more to a tarot reading than what meets the eye where Something Else is adding input to that reading? What if there is something that supersedes the reader's ethical boundaries and opens that connection up for an accurate reading and to the benefit of the sitter's personal understanding? How can you say for sure that doesn't happen, and by some spiritual agreement of the third-party? What if you are not actually prying at all and on some level that third-party has agreed to sharing that information?

Then, there's people who don't believe in anything other than the paper and ink of the deck and the own workings of their brain. They would conclude that an answer to such a question is simply their own or maybe the sitter's perspective of another person's thoughts or feelings and not actually that third party's thoughts or feelings at all.

We can argue our personal preferences all we want, but no one here can definitively say that those things happen (or not).

Brown Eyed Mystic

Amazing discussion here! I'm taking mental notes. Thank you guys.

I'm still undecided about whether my vote is yay or nay (still new at tarot) but I'm learning heaps.



What about people with the full gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience , clairaudience and claircognizance etc... Could their minds and extra-sensory abilities be described as 'unethical' because they know how someone is feeling about them? Should they're gifts be described as just plain old snooping, voyeurism and invasion?

It's an interesting question - I am now wondering about the "ethics" of other techniques to see through people's lies and misdirections, such as body language and speech pattern analysis, where people's eyes are moving, touching their nose, saying the wrong words, and behavioural psychology in general, as in some TV documentaries analysing the interviews given by people who turn out to be the murderer. Is it "unethical" to disbelieve someone's words due to your knowledge of body language?