My Healing Candle Method


I was just doing a hoodoo style healing candle for a friend's daughter, and it occurred to me to give my method. It's quick and easy, only takes four items, and I have had good results with it.

4" altar candle, blue or white
Pointy tool for inscribing candle (I use an old letter opener)
Healing oil
Dried Althaea leaves

With the pointy tool, inscribe the name of the person or animal on the candle from the top down (neatness does not count). Also inscribe on the candle any other words or images you feel will help convey the purpose of the candle. (I will use a heart, halo, cross, image of the affected body part, the word "health" etc.)

Anoint the candle with the Healing Oil. I usually go top down to the center, then turn the candle around and go bottom down to the center, while saying something like, "Drawing healing and wellness to [name]." Then roll it in the Althaea leaves so that it is coated (again, neatness doesn't count). Tap the candle gently on the table three times.

Affix the candle to a metal holder by using a few drops of melted wax from another candle. (You could use a candle holder that fits tightly around the candle, but I like to do divination with the wax afterwards, which is difficult to do if the wax is confined within a holder.)

Light the candle and say, "Oh behalf of [name]." Then say the Lord's prayer and/or any other prayers or requests that feel right.

Allow the candle to burn until it is done, then read any signs in the wax.

I like this method because I can keep the materials on hand in a baggie so I can grab it and get a candle going within a couple of minutes any time someone needs a healing candle set for them. (You can use this method for other purposes as well, such as success with a job interview, etc. You would just use different herbs and oils.)

I get most of my supplies, including the herbs and oils, from Lucky Mojo Curio Company, because I like the energy of their goods. But you could use any source for your oils and herbs. Some folks just use olive oil for the oil, which is traditional and should work just as well.

I hope someone finds this interesting and/or useful! I will add that I am not a practicing Christian, but this is the way I was taught to do it and I continue use it because it works. Oh, and please make sure to burn the candle on a fireproof surface (I put mine on my stove in a metal pan) and do not leave it unattended, especially as the oil and herbs can tend to make it burn with a higher flame than otherwise.


Thank you for sharing this! I've never done much work with candles but this one resonated with me. Very interesting!


Hi Apollonia, thanks for sharing that. If you don't mind, I'd like to share my candle healing that helped a friend who has a brain tumor and was concerned that it might be cancerous. She would need to go back to see the surgeon as possible surgery was indicated. I decided to light a special candle for her before she went in and the results were fabulous. They found out by certain tests that the tumor was benign and had stopped growing. There would be no need for removal. :)

Items needed:

1 small to medium sized white candle (no glass)
healing oil (I make my own)
1 picture of the patient preferably of the body part or area needing healing
2 clear quartz crystals

I set the picture down in a flat bowl/dish I use for safely burning candles.

I anoint the candle with the healing oil with my hands infusing the candle with healing thoughts and words. I basically roll the candle between my hands as I envision the healing taking place. You can feel the heat energy infuse into the candle as you do this.

I then set the candle directly on top of the picture so that as it burns it melts right on the image.

I then place the crystals on each side of the candle. The crystals work to magnify the healing energy.

I then say that special prayer asking the Highest to heal the person in the way that is needed. Then I light the candle and imagine the prayer being lifted upward and the healing energy igniting. Let the candle burn all the way out. It's up to you what you do with the picture and any wax at the end of the procedure.

This was very simple yet worked very well in this situation. Maybe it can help others as well...


Thanks for sharing yours too, GotH.

I'm going to try these on my financial definitely needs some healing. :)


Hi Apollonia! I was thinking of you a lot lately. :) Thanks for sharing this - and GotH.

I have never (yet) used tools or any objects in healing, I just tune in, visualise, meditate, or whatever seems needed, and my hands have a lot to do with it. But I'm interested.

Especially I'd like to ask about the healing oil - what is it / what's in it / how do you make it?


I'm also interested in learning how to make my own healing oil.


Hi Apollonia! I was thinking of you a lot lately. :) Thanks for sharing this - and GotH.

I have never (yet) used tools or any objects in healing, I just tune in, visualise, meditate, or whatever seems needed, and my hands have a lot to do with it. But I'm interested.

Especially I'd like to ask about the healing oil - what is it / what's in it / how do you make it?
Hi MandMaud!

I just use the prepared Healing Oil from Lucky Mojo Curio Company:

I have only made my own oil one time, as a requirement for me to pass the rootwork correspondence course I was taking. If memory serves, I used a blend of almond and jojoba oils, and then added a few herbs, roots and minerals. I know I used Coriander seeds and a bit of Queen Elizabeth Root (and maybe lodestone grit, I don't really recall but that would make sense). I probably also put in a small piece of lightning struck wood. I called it "Stay Home, Honey," and it was intended to make a lover remain faithful.

It was really a fun project, but I prefer to use the old timey condition oils that Lucky Mojo makes, to save time and effort on my part.

If you want to make your own, historically that's what people did until companies started manufacturing oils, and it's definitely part of the tradition, so I would say go for it. Just make sure that you do your homework and make sure everything in the oil complements everything else and you don't put in, say, an herb that is traditionally used for crossing in a healing blend, or a hotfoot herb that makes people go away in a blend meant to draw in a lover, etc. And hoodoo doesn't tend to use things like rose quartz crystals, but of course there's no law that says you can't if you want to, it just probably wouldn't be considered authentic to the tradition.

Hope this helps!


Thank you! I can see a fair amount of enjoyable googling ahead. :) I'm less interested in the authenticity of sticking to any particular tradition, as I feel I'll know if a specific ingredient is needed - though I would still check it didn't have any uses I didn't intend. But I'm free of the restrictions of one tradition. I like the idea of healing oil though, haven't really come across it before (probably because I haven't looked into tools for healing or for magick etc).

I do use essential oils in an oil burner, though, very often, and I suppose that's close to the same thing. Different ones to address various states of mind, moods etc, eg sage to clear and clean and cheer, ylang ylang to relax and cheer, orange or rosemary for purposefulness and focus... tea tree when someone has a cold! Then lavender e.oil is the gentlest antiseptic and disinfectant that I know, a drop of geranium stops bleeding, etc etc. But in a burner, to be inhaled and to affect the whole room/house, that must be close to what you were talking about.


Thank you! I can see a fair amount of enjoyable googling ahead. :) I'm less interested in the authenticity of sticking to any particular tradition, as I feel I'll know if a specific ingredient is needed - though I would still check it didn't have any uses I didn't intend. But I'm free of the restrictions of one tradition. I like the idea of healing oil though, haven't really come across it before (probably because I haven't looked into tools for healing or for magick etc).

I do use essential oils in an oil burner, though, very often, and I suppose that's close to the same thing. Different ones to address various states of mind, moods etc, eg sage to clear and clean and cheer, ylang ylang to relax and cheer, orange or rosemary for purposefulness and focus... tea tree when someone has a cold! Then lavender e.oil is the gentlest antiseptic and disinfectant that I know, a drop of geranium stops bleeding, etc etc. But in a burner, to be inhaled and to affect the whole room/house, that must be close to what you were talking about.
I also use essential oils, as well as flower essences, and I do remote energy healing as well. And all of them are marvelously effective in their own way. But sometimes I feel specifically prompted to set a candle in the hoodoo tradition, and for me that just has a different feel to it than anything else. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but it may be related to the idea that the energy is thought to come directly from the herbs, roots, minerals, etc., not through or from the practitioner. So it is kind of a nice break from the other work I do.

And of course, there is the extra benefit of having the wax remains for divination purposes, which I have found to be very helpful.

(Talking about this has made me really remember how much fun it was to put together my own oil. Oh-oh...)

Have fun and happy googling!


I also use essential oils, as well as flower essences, and I do remote energy healing as well. And all of them are marvelously effective in their own way. But sometimes I feel specifically prompted to set a candle in the hoodoo tradition, and for me that just has a different feel to it than anything else. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but it may be related to the idea that the energy is thought to come directly from the herbs, roots, minerals, etc., not through or from the practitioner. So it is kind of a nice break from the other work I do.

And of course, there is the extra benefit of having the wax remains for divination purposes, which I have found to be very helpful.

(Talking about this has made me really remember how much fun it was to put together my own oil. Oh-oh...)

Have fun and happy googling!

Oh-oh... })

Maybe it's because there isn't a tradition I know very deeply. I don't really belong to any, by heritage (that I know of), and haven't ever been strongly drawn one way or another. Some mythologies attract me while others leave me cold, but none is "mine".

I do know I'm a nomad - took me years to work it out, but that's my "tribe". I don't know which kind though. I don't feel the need to belong to any tradition. But sometimes I feel I don't want to be as eclectic as I usually am with my methods.