Identifying Bad Energy


I used a spread suggested to me in the Spreads section - The Haunted House Spread, created by Dolphin Dreamer, with some tweaks. I read with the Paulina Deck.

Here's a link to the instructions for the spread:

Some modifications I made:
I stopped at card 8, since I didn't really understand the others
I didn't understand card 3, so I asked for it to be a message from the property

Card 1: You and your past with this property: Knight of Swords
Card 2: The property and it's past: Four of Wands
Card 3: A message about the situation: Ace of Cups
Card 4: What I need to understand, but don't: Nine of Swords
Card 5: What is really frightening me: The Emperor
Card 6: What do I need to see: The Tower
Card 7: What do I need to hear: Six of Wands
Card 8: How should I be thinking about this: Queen of Cups

My past with this property is that we bought it to live here, and started out determined. We took a break and are now charging ahead again with the idea of building a house here.

The 4W suggests that the past of this property is one of celebration, that it was once a happy and harmonious home. One of the things I've feared is that something terrible happened here once, but this is saying that's just my imagination.

The message from the AC about my situation is that this is an opportunity for emotional or spiritual fulfillment, or the beginning of some kind of happiness. Living here is an opportunity to be content and happy. (And I'm on a spiritual path that is very connected to nature and during the day, I already feel incredibly connected to this land.)

What I need to understand, but don't, is that it's what's in my mind that is creating the fear and anxiety, and the real issue is what the effect of obsessing about it (or simply continuing to entertain it) is having on me.

I confess, I don't really understand what the meaning of the Emperor is pertaining to what is really frightening me. I've never imagined any kind of form to whatever it is that I thought was there. Maybe it represents a fear that challenges my sense of stability there?

What I need to see is the Tower, the breakdown that releases me from what no longer serves me. The revelation that the fear is all in my head. I have always considered this as a possibility, but the feeling was so strong.

6W is another one that perplexes me. I don't really know what I need to hear about victory or accomplishment that helps here. One interpretation is expectations fulfilled, so it's possible I need to hear that one possible explanation for my fears/feelings is true? (but ONE of them was going to be true, right?)

Finally, it seems that how I should be feeling about this situation is emotionally calm and secure. There's also an interpretation of this that I should be empathetic and acting with compassion, and I feel like that is how I'm supposed to approach my property now – to empathize with it and treat it with compassion.

Ultimately, the message here is that my fears about my property are all in my head, or at least founded in nothing more than a fear of the dark, and a diagnosis of depression about halfway through this whole odyssey. That nothing horrible or sinister ever happened there, and that I should view my property with compassion, and be empathetic in order to change my feelings about it at night, so I can be happy there.