Voyager - Seven - Chariot


I step into the word of the charioteer and I am galvanized into motion, swept up by a sense of adventure. Enough of being bound and limited. I want to run like the wild horse towards my highest possible attainment.

I am reminded of my potential as a human being. I can fly like the eagle, or soar like the hot air balloon. Jump aboard the rocket and take a walk on another sphere. This Voyager world has me believing in myself. I look up at the Greek marble head and I feel its solidity; feel that although I can conquer and overcome, it won't be because I will be moving frenetically here and there doing, but, rather being, centered in my inner, yet passionate and pregnant stillness.

I can be the mistress of my universe, if I want.

Born under the sign of Cancer, this world is particularly meaningful to me, since the seventh major falls under Cancer. The crab is silent, but self-sufficient. I have lived in many, many countries throughout my life and have always felt at home wherever I landed. I call myself an "eartharianian" and have no sense of nationality. Furthermore, the Chariot, especially the Voyager Chariot reminds me that in times of trouble, I will find my security within myself, harnassing all the skills I have been able to develop, the little wisdom I might have accrued over time, and whatever gifts I have been blessed with.

I am also reminded, in this Voyager world, not to get carried away, not to indulge in hubris, even if it is tempting at times. Reminded to follow my drummer, not blindingly, but with as much awareness and vision as possible.


The Chariot certainly rules this week - everywhere I turn there it is!

Lovely words, Namaste - inspiring and motivating.

I see a dream, a vision that becomes a goal to focus upon. I see the discipline, the mastery of both self and subject that is needed to attain this goal. I see unlimited potential and possibilities for victory and achievement.

I don't see myself! This card belongs to my husband who has followed the way of the Chariot very successfully - he is also a Cancer. For many years I was simply a passenger, bouncing along in the back of someone else's chariot, comfortable enough for most of the time, rebellious and resentful at other times.

I struggle to free myself from this perception of myself as a support team , to find my way, to discover who I am . I cannot just sit and 'be', dreaming - I'm very good at that but hopeless at making things happen, yet I'm learning. Every little achievement brings new confidence and inspires me to move on.

The Moon has watched and encouraged as I find and nurture my intuitive and creative gifts - now the battle to find the middle road between that and my need to study, to read and learn, to trust my own as well as others knowledge.

So many opposing energies in our lives that need to be integrated and harmonised. Means one has to be flexible and adaptable to change .
I don't really like this card and perhaps that is why - there is too much movement and excitement in it. I like peace and quiet, constant change causes stress. I rather think I may have some security issues - lol!


There is so much to look at in this card....

The first thing I noticed was the statue of the eyes is missing and it looks like fire burning inside it, or behind the face. Fire to me represents energy, passion, movement....

There are several different symbols here to suggest movement:

First of all, there is a highway leading our eye into the distance. A rocket launching into space...and an astronaut exploring the mysteries of the universe. These two symbols combined tell me that there is purpose in movement....acting deliberately toward a specific goal. Movement is directed, the energy is controlled, chaotic activity is limited. There are many symbols of air travel here, flight....the sky is the limit (or is it???)

My favorite picture on the card is the hot-air balloon in the upper left corner....what a wonderful feeling it must be to float above the earth, with not a care in the world....almost the opposite feeling I get from the images of rapid, controlled movement. Maybe it means that it is important to relax and enjoy the ride, let life take you where you need to go....

:D Luna