Fantastical SG - Eight of Pentacles


When I look at the Eight of Pentacles

I see an experienced crafter working on an art creation. The man has actual facial hair on his chin. He is very serious, however, he doesn't seem to be intune with what he is creating. It seems as if, he has his mind set on something else.

I noticed a bone appearence, near the back of his head, I found no importance.

I noticed his clothes, unlike the queens from I have read before, were only tw colors, and not flowing or majestic as the queens.

In the background I see a big black object. It seems to be surronded by a flame.

I possibly think this card may mean:
Skill (it is skillfuly done.), Dedication (It seems as if he has been creating that scultpure for a while.), And from those wealth.

EDIT: Posting Actual Meaning

Well, the actual meaning or story doesn't seem to pertain to wealth or money.

The three main actions were:

Showing Diligence (Or working hard, dedicated)
Inceasing Knowledge (Even some minors of this I did not understand)
Paying Attention to Detail

So, I have learned a meaning of that card, in yet of meanings and meaning not to be applied.
Such as even though it is a pentacle card, is does not always have to pertain to money or wealth.
I however, do not understand the Increasing Knowledge


I sense a calm in this card...

The man is clerly someone who knows the person this sculpture is made to resemble, and who takes pride and enjoyment in the creative process.
While most definetly creating an image of someone who is important to him, wether this person is a lover, mother, teacher, muse or daughter is of less relevance (and to be determined by the reading).

I also sense some meaning in the flake he is currently removing from the neck of the sculpture.
He is removing excess, bringing the sculpture down to the bare necesseties and to become as much as possible the essense of the originating idea, an idealistic image if you will, of a probably much more flawed and vivid original.

A search for and attempt at perfection...

His face turned from the viewer is focused on his work. It being more important than anything else, even if the original would walk into the room he seems more likely to remain focused on his creation, determined to see it through.

As for the material profit, hard work does tend to pay off.
But one has to keep in mind that working only for the money pays less than working to do the best job possible because then not only the money but the pride in a job well done is included aswell.

Working to "get things right" also give knowledge, experience, a better insight to the art of ones choosing (be it sculpting, accounting or selling used cars) and thus Increasing Knowledge comes into the picture...

Well, that's how I see it atleast...


Hmm Maly, great thoughts!
Increasing knowledge, to me comes from the fact that he has been working on this piece for a while. He has tried and tested many methods, ideas, symbols, techniques and so has increased his skills with the practice and also now his judgement. From seeing what works and doesnt work with this piece he has ideas for the future, inspiration for the future. SO although he is dedicated to his craft, it maybe on the eyes of finishing this piece to get round to all the other ideas zooming in his head. Well, thats what i feel like when i'm putting together pictures for my collage deck.

The brown fo his accented garb and the backrground to me is a good complimenting colour of both the earthiness of Pentacles, but also of his increasing intellect and learning/absorbing though not everything (because that would be black), absorbing all things he feels he needs to know to progress, not just all knowledge willy nilly.

The shape of the pentacles reminds me of the timeless quote "as above, so below". He has to put all sorts of skills into his project which will benefit him in all areas of his life, both material and spiritual.

Strangly enough, this dude reminds me of my old art teacher at school, who had a beard and hair similar. Though, he didnt wear the garb, but you knew he would if he could have gotten away with it :p
The redy/orange background, shows the creative side to this, though naturally its not as vibrant as it would be with the wands for instantance. The gold higlights could show that there is alot of creativity and understanding with the pentacles that some people do not give them credit for. The Earth is not just associated with money and finances.

This card also reminds me of a similiar 8 of Pents from the Witches Tarot (well it is around the 8 of pents).

I like this card, the usual RW card of someone tending to their crops seems silly to me, because i dont know anything about tending crops lol. Now tending and creating a piece of art i can definately relate to.



Just to highlight on a couple of things Eco said (sorry i didnt read your post when replying the first time D'OH!)

There is a sense of calm here, but i think that comes from being a grounded pent than being a fiery wand. Slow and steady has definately won the race here, with all sorts of added information a pent would have got from this exercise than a wand (not saying wands are thick, they just rush for things to be completed).

And i love your insight into his tending his sculpture Eco!! Definately a cutting away, (bit of swords here too!) to get down to what is the essence of this piece, back to what inspired him to do it in the first place. Maybe it is a loyal friend, a member of his family etc it is definately someone who has a huge amount of staying power in his life to have created this piece. I cant see a Pentacle spending so much time into someone who was only important for 5 minutes.

Hmm just thinking about a Cup part of this card, that he is very loving and sensitive to this piece. I dont think he would be very forthcoming to sharing a piece that obviously means so much to him.

A very interesting card, but with this deck, arent they all :p

