The Cosmic Tribe book by Eric Ganther

le pendu

Do you use the book to help you understand the cards?

Does it help you make new connections? Spark new interpretations?

Does the language of the book help you "get into" the feeling of the CT, or does it overwhelm you? Or do you have a different reaction?

For me, the book adds another dimension of understanding to the cards and helps connect the story that runs through the cards. I like how in the DM section, Eric asks questions. These questions almost always help me see the card in a new light, and spark new ideas.

I sometimes find it hard to read the book when I am not in the middle of a reading, I just can't seem to get into it. But I almost always open the book up while I am doing a reading and use it to double check my initial impressions. For whatever reason, when I'm in that "space", the book seems to speak very clearly to me and aids my intuition and understanding.

I'd really like to know whether Eric worked on the deck and guided the design or if he was hired after the imagery had been created to write the book. Does anyone know? Would it effect your viewpoint one way or another?

I love the book, and find it a very equal partner in the magic of this deck.

Laura Borealis

I don't know the answer to your question about whether Eric helped work on the deck, or was hired later to write the book -- but I just checked the acknowledgements, and noticed for the first time that there is an Eric listed as a model for several cards, and that Stevee (with both e's) is also listed as a model. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to check those cards and see what our guys look like. :)

I use the book in readings part of the time. Especially when I first got the deck, I'd check it after I took in my first impressions from the cards. It always aids my understanding and opens my mind to new ideas. I just don't always use it because the cards say so much already.

I do find the book descriptions a bit overwhelming... but mind-expanding as well. Maybe my mind is too teeny to take in much of it at a time. :)


I use the book during a reading, when I'm stumped, and after a reading when I am trying to deepen my understanding of a card. The meanings only seep into my brain when a card shows up in a reading and I can relate it to something occurring in my life.
For example, the Eight of Cups usually shows up in a reading when I am experiencing weariness. In the CT, the image on the card reminded me of people who repeat information or ideas that they have learned by rote but have not given thought to. Like a parrot repeats words without meaning. The book relates this card to emotional drain. Then the AHA Moment - what makes me more weary than people who repeat mindless drival, whether at work, at school or on the TV. In personal readings this card now alerts me to look for the people or things that are draining to me emotionally.
So, yes, the book does help me to realize the full potential of a card.


synthesis of RWCS and Thoth

Dear le Pendu and all

I like the book a lot because it seems to me to extend what I see as one of the big goals of this deck, which is to achieve some kind of synthesis of the Rider/Waite/Colman Smith tradition and the Thoth deck. A lot of the cards take new angles on old designs, or synthesize old designs, and I like to see how Eric talks about the meanings and interpretations and possibilities of the cards.

I like the poetical bits and the questions. They seem to open up the meanings. Some books are very prosaic -- "maybe a new message arriving" -- whereas the CT, both cards and book, help me explore.

I do turn to the book mainly during readings. The entries aren't long but they are quite dense and seem intended to encourage rumination. So it's hard to sit and read through it.

I note that Stevee himself posed for the 5 of pentacles - I assume he didn't want to ask anyone else to be the model for despair. Nice of him.



Hi there,

Don't know if this message will be read after such a long time. However, I'm very interested in making this studygroup active again.

I really love the Cosmic Tribe cards, but for me they wouldn't be half as informative without the book.
I don't do any readings with the CT yet. To me, the cards are way to loaded with information. One single card usually gives me enough to think about. Before I go to sleep, I pick a daycard and read carefully, and very slowly the accompaning text. Almost always the text makes me see things I didn't notice beforehand. Like the Eight of Swords: "the blades disappear where confusion has stopped the productive mental process."

I sure wished more tarot decks had informative books like this! After having bought the CT, I think twice, even thrice, before I buy a deck with only a lwb.
