Queen of Wands....


Hi everybody. What sort of person/situation is the Queen of Wands? I get the impression of somebody fiery, perhaps quite sensual and knows what she wants...however, as a situation, Im not quite sure how to interpret her! The reason I'm asking is that I drew her today as my daily card, and she has also been one of the advice cards in an outcome spread - but Im not sure how to interpret her as advice....help? Any ideas?


Which deck?


Hi Alice

Have a look here at Thirteen's meanings:


Hope this helps, but of course Helvetica is right in asking which deck also, because by just looking closely at the card you can pick up your own meanings. Try to look for a few moments and don't dismiss anything that comes into your mind.

I tend to think of her as being quite active and creative, full of life and enthusiasm. Perhaps you are being advised to act on something with gusto today!


Hi both, thankyou for your replies! The deck was the Rider Waite one - sorry, forgot to add that! I will have a look at Thirteen's interpretations also...have been getting her such a lot lately and the daily card for today really intrigued me!!



Thirteen's a good place to start!

I would add - take a good look at the card again. Is there anything that strikes you about it - in her posture, the flower, her cat, the lions above her head or on the side of her seat, the colours? Is she looking at something - another card in the spread, for instance?

Then maybe, stop thinking, and try and feel. What does this scene, this character, make you feel (happy, sad, energised, cross?)

You bring all this together. Try journalling. I often find, when I'm stuck on what a card might actually mean to me right now, when I journal eventually I have a breakthrough. I start with all the "known" meanings, with my observations of the card, my feelings, then keep going (sometimes several pages) until eventually something opens and I break through.

(that's the advantage of reading for yourself - when you reach the inveitable blank spot you can journal about it. When you read for others you have to hope breakthrough happens during the conversation...)


Often when court cards come up as outcome it may mean that someone with those attributes will be instrumental in the outcome. OR that those qualities will be important for you to acquire and this situation will bring those out in you.

When courts come up as advice and guidance, a good question to ask oneself is: "What would the Queen of Wands (or whomever) do in this situation?" So, it's good to become familiar with these people in tarot, their light and their dark sides, their strengths and their weaknesses. The better you know them, the better you might be able to predict how one might act in the given situation.

Helvetica's advice will help you here. Talk with the card, with the person on the card, ask her how she would deal with this question, situation. How would she approach the people and circumstances involved? What advice would she give you? Because although there are plenty of sources for finding out what attributes she has, only she can tell you which of those attributes will come in handy this time.



The Queen of Wands is the embodiment of the kind
of commanding femininity seen when a woman knows
her way around in a man's world.

One look from her sets everyone straight ~ she not only
knows her business, she glories in the sort of hands on
involvement it takes to get things done at a personal level.

She has her priorities in order, and will follow through
with whatever she sets her mind to do.

Al Si'ra

Queen of Fire!! I love this Queen!! She certainly is very sexy; confident and charming...She knows she can get anything what she wants..Look at her smile; she's shining with confidence..and her cat.. i think it represents her mysterious ways-and she's no stupid woman-she's wise but she may not show it to the outer world if necessary (the cat representing all the things mysterious and also cats are very wise animals).She is good with words but not like Queen of Swords..Queen of Swords is a sharp-an intellectual-wise-honest lady; but Queen of Wands will never be that sharp and (unfortunately may sometimes not be that honest)- on the contrary she will know how to soften the other's heart- i sometimes see some Magician aspects in her(and i do not think it's a coincidence that sometimes i appear to be both the Magician or Queen of Wands)..and she is certainly very fun to be around..a party girl as well..(i will certainly not mention about her b*tchy side LOL)

When Queen of Wands appear in my readings; it's me..telling me to be confident all the way;saying that the star's are shining for me that day..Queen of Wands is a star herself afterall!!


She could be hiding secrets because of the black cat sitting below her.


I see the Queen of Wands of being capable of commanding a position or respect in the world and at the sustain family life and relationships.

She is creative and authorative, can be seen as like a mother figure, perhaps.
