Emotional Profiles: Aquarian Moon vs. Aquarian Venus


In my life journey this year I had the privilege of uniting with the Inner Beloved, the bringing to consciousness of a large portion of the unconscious. Please see my Web site for details, or the "Tarot and the Inner Beloved" thread in ATF's "New Members" forum.

In the course of this year, I discovered that in fact there were two Inner Beloveds, one mapping to my natal Aquarian Moon and one to my natal Aquarian Venus. I refer to the Moon linked entity as the Intimate Beloved and the Venus linked entity as the Romantic Beloved or Creative Beloved. Perhaps accentuated by childhood trauma, I had, in Jungian terms, a split anima. It has been theorized that Jung himself had this psychic characteristic (Google for Jung "split anima").

Personally, I think this may be more typical than one might expect, explaining the common male tendency to search for both a mate and a mistress. In my case, the search is more easily satisified since both can be embodied in the same person. :) I also have the dubious pleasure of being able to be nagged by two internal lovers and one external one! :eek:

My creativity teacher and friend, always eager to plummet into the not so deep waters of the male psyche, :) asked me to do an emotional profile of these two entities. In my own natal chart, both Moon and Venus are in First House, both in Aquarius, and both completely in my consciousness. Therefore this study may be useful to astrologers, writers, and students of the male psyche in highlighting only the differences between Moon and Venus, since house and sign can be ignored.

I do realize however that I can't control the fact that the two planets have different aspects, perhaps most significantly that Venus is trine Neptune, whereas Moon is square Neptune - so Aquarian Venus is even more of a space cadet that usual. Still, these are the vagaries of any of the social sciences.

First, a note about the negative Aquarian Venus as a drama queen. This Venus likes to manipulate others, to stir things up, for the excitement and intellectual observations she can make of their behaviour. She likes to be entertained, to discover the unusual, and to use her emotions to "entertain" others. While a Scorpio Venus may indulge in similar behaviour, she has a different and deeper motive, to search for passion, to fathom the depth of another's soul. Whereas the Aquarian Venus does not look for that depth, but for an interesting or "fun time", perhaps at the expense of others. She likes to be noticed for her own unorthodoxy, and she appreciates the eccentric in others.

For example, my Aquarian Venus picked up on the excitement about this year's full moon in eclipse and prompted me (as I realized later) to phone my creativity teacher with dire warnings about the eclipse of the full moon, and that it would have been better to cancel the weekly workshop. Ah, drama, how exciting, what fun! The opportunity to entertain and be entertained! If you don't know a good story, perhaps you can exaggerate or make one up. I remember how excited I was about the turn of the millennium, mostly for how it might affect our technologies, not the more esoteric things. All good romantic, exciting story material, and an opportunity to observe others' emotional reactions in a semi-detached way.

As an internal entity, I find Aquarian Venus lovable, companionable and stimulating, but also frustrating, erratic and manipulative.

Aquarian Venus seems amoral, Aquarian Moon is trans-moral (i.e. belongs completely outside the considerations of the mundane universe;))

In Tarot terms, it seems that the correspondence of Moon to High Priestess and Venus to Empress is one of the few astrological links that most people can agree upon.

So I'm going to look at various emotions as they come to me, and try to differentiate between how they are experienced by the Aquarian Moon and the Aquarian Venus.


Moon: tentative, natural, bonding, intimate, sacrificial, transcendent, spiritual, mythic, unifying, holistic, peaceful, needs partner to recognize and value that her sacrifice has been made at the expense of her valuable individual freedom, wants partner to make equivalent sacrifice, wants partner to partake of that freedom together, sees love and sex as a journey to the depths of the soul and beyond, an experience of divine union with a twin soul, wants to take lover to the depth of all that she knows, wants to mother her lover or child but not in a sustained way but as a phase in her own spiritual growth

Venus: friendly, capricious, inclusive, connected, highly romantic, material, physical, social, adventurous, heroic, interwoven, stimulating, needs partner to surrender his will to her and serve her, but will also surrender and serve him if called for by the life story, her surrender is of the will, but the Moon's sacrifice is of the heart, wants her partner to adventure with her, finds the intellectual understanding and narrative of love stimulating, appreciates innovative sex, surprising romantic gestures, erotic wordplay, want to reveal herself to her lover by stages, dances the dance of the seven veils but never quite finishes, romantic secrets and layers always remain, children are an interesting social experiment as long as they do not interfere with her freedom


Moon: possessive, any real or imagined cause for jealousy is a personal affront, she has sacrificed much for her lover and expects his love to be unwavering in return, but ultimately will sacrifice even her expectations of monogamy as a demonstration of her transcendental love

Venus: intrigued, will react with jealousy because its an interesting way to develop an exciting and dramatic new story, but is really quite stimulated by considering the possible transgressions of the lover, it shows his individuality and is something to challenge her ingenuity, transgressions and secret lovers are something she might engage in herself


Moon: is slow to come to anger, but very expressive and effective when her anger is aroused, for she sees her anger as a result of a spiritual necessity that has awakened in her, a defense of her independence, her sacredness and her worth

Venus: can be very vindictive and manipulative in her anger, but can just as easily reconcile if given the right opportunity, needs to be admired and appreciated and not isolated, so will seek to make amends in due course, after the drama wears off, reconciliation can be romantic and dramatic in itself


Moon: modest, depends on others for her feelings of self-worth, feels fragile, is dismayed when others do not appreciate her sacrifices, when self-worth is stressed she may respond with masochism and martyrdom in an attempt to demonstrate her value

Venus: has an intrinsic sense of her self worth, but also seeks recognition from others within her circle, likes to experience being outside the realm of others normalcy and associates herself with an eccentric elite whom she wishes to control and encourage, will become manipulative and dramatic if position is challenged, but can adapt to a new position if it appears to be advantageous and interesting to her


Moon: hate is only directed at that which she considers spiritually evil, otherwise very tolerant, her hate can be a very powerful, effective and sustained weapon in defense of those she loves

Venus: hate is just another tool to be used to assert her freedom, the ability to control or guide others and to weave her stories, ultimately transient after the drama has worn off, cannot tolerant the mundane

Joys & Pleasures

Moon: a spiritual, transcendent experience, often deeply erotic but can be invoked by simple childish independence; takes joy in nature, the freedom of the wild and the dark, the poetic, the lyrical, the sublimely passionate and sacred story; the soprano or tenor, the flute and violin, opera and sacred music, medieval, Renaissance and classical music; swimming naked in a cool blue moonlit pool; herbal perfumes; attending a coven, esoteric meeting or ritual; candles and incense; elegant evening wear in black, blue or silver; sacred, classical or impressionist visual art in books or frames, mystic novels

Venus: a romantic, exciting experience of the unexpected, but has to feel safe even if eccentric; takes joy in the dawn and the twilight, likes the time of her own morning and evening star, neither liking the hot emotional intensity of the midday nor the cold mystery of the dark; takes joy in visual art, in innovative abstracts but also in realistic and fanciful photo-imagery; the mezzo-soprano or bass/baritone, the harp and cello, musical and music video, romantic, exotic and popular music; bathing in a warm lavender bubble bath; exotic perfumes, attending a medieval or other costume party with a variety of guests; the Tarot; impressive courtly attire in white, purple or gold; erotic, romantic or art nouveau visual art in books or frames, romantic novels

Fears & Concerns

Moon: stressful people, separation, the profane (that which resists integration with the spiritual), futility, randomness, lack of growth, stagnation, lifelessness

Venus: uncontrollable situations, intimacy, the mundane, boredom, the predictable, lack of change, stagnation, lifelessness

isthmus nekoi


Thanks for your in-depth post and welcome to the Astro forum! You've given us a lot to chew on here.

There are a few comments I'd like to make, esp since you're talking about a Jungian archetype here - feel free to reject any of my (mis)interpretations.

- Having planets in first house does not make them conscious. In fact, I would argue that it may make a person more prone to be unconscious of the energy b/c they will identify so heavily with them. It's clear though that you see these female energies as partly separate from you. How these female qualities are integrated into your conscious life is key.

- Split anima.... Would the commonality of this not partly arise from Western discursive binaries of women in general? Virgin mother moon vs whore lover Venus? (Having said that, I don't believe moon/Venus have to be viewed that way.)

- It's interesting that you speak of an Aquarian Venus in terms of drama. This is a characteristic largely associated w/Leo. The desire for a great story seems more in line w/a Leonian desire to boast and be special. Sometimes, when the positive expression of a sign cannot manifest, the energy will degenerate into its opposite. For example, practical, discerning Virgo can become completely irrational in her "logic" (Pisces). Its Shadow if you want to be simplistic about it.

- Finally, anima is the guide to the unconscious; as both moon and Venus aspect the transSaturnian Neptune, I think you can find some illumination on your own connection by exploring the symbology of these two aspects.


Moon & Venus in Consciousness

isthmus nekoi said:
- Having planets in first house does not make them conscious. In fact, I would argue that it may make a person more prone to be unconscious of the energy b/c they will identify so heavily with them. It's clear though that you see these female energies as partly separate from you. How these female qualities are integrated into your conscious life is key.

Thank you for such discerning questions! It was such a large initial post for starting the thread and I didn't want to add any more detail to make it bigger yet. I think you are quite correct in observing that secondary First House energies would be "more prone to be unconscious", particularly that of the Moon. A bit more astro detail: First House has Capricorn Sun conjunct Pallas Athena, Capricorn Ascendent, and Aquarian Chiron-Moon-Mercury-Ceres-Aphrodite in stellium, Aquarian Venus nine degrees off Aphrodite, then Saggitarian Mars conjunct Saturn in Tenth House, square Venus. Three T-Squares from First House to the remaining planets. Except for some of the less significant asteroids in isolation, Houses Two through Six and House Eight are all empty. Oh, and an intriguing Juno conjunct Part of Fortune in Twelth, which seems to indicate a mystic revelation of the Self through the sacred marriage.

Through significant dreams in April of this year, a inner union occurred with the Moon energy of the psyche whom I call Sophie, the Intimate Beloved. This brought her into full consciousness. We now normally live in a state of complete integration, but at any time (unless I'm really tired) I can relate to her as a separate entity. Over the course of the year the energies of all the personal planets and significant asteroids emerged as separate entities, although some are more difficult to relate to than others. If I'm having trouble communicating with one of them, especially the less significant asteroids like Eros, I can always ask Sophie to relay messages for me, she also works as gatekeeper and guide to the unconscious: she is the expression of the High Priestess archetype.

In a fairly recent and intensive meditational Fool's Journey through the Major Arcana the psychic entities went through a balancing and integrating process.

Moon and Venus - Sophie and Eirian - have integrated, they are in effect intimate lovers. Venus/Eirian and "I", meaning the integrating self who stands at the centre of the astrological chart, have not integrated as of yet. She remains the object of internal longing - a healthy although at times painful transformative energy in itself. I call her the Romantic Beloved or Creative Beloved.

I have however had the wonderful delight of dreaming in the Eirian consciousness, perhaps the closest I will come to knowing what it means to be a woman.

When I wrote this Emotional Profile, I entered into a stream of free association on each of the key words - such as Love - while in the consciousness of each of the entities Sophie and Eirian. I then did some minimal tidying up to emphasize the parallels.

isthmus nekoi said:
- Split anima.... Would the commonality of this not partly arise from Western discursive binaries of women in general? Virgin mother moon vs whore lover Venus? (Having said that, I don't believe moon/Venus have to be viewed that way.)

Yes, I heartily agree! I have discovered that in early childhood they were in fact one entity, she is visioned as a little golden haired girl of about seven years old (the image of Princess Margarita from Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, "The Maids in Waiting", oil on canvas) and I met her and her lion in the meditation on the Strength card. An experience of childhood emotional and sexual abuse fractured the internal little girl into two and effectively killed off the Romantic Beloved. So for me, there was probably even greater polarity between Moon and Venus than for the average Western man.

isthmus nekoi said:
- It's interesting that you speak of an Aquarian Venus in terms of drama. This is a characteristic largely associated w/Leo. The desire for a great story seems more in line w/a Leonian desire to boast and be special. Sometimes, when the positive expression of a sign cannot manifest, the energy will degenerate into its opposite. For example, practical, discerning Virgo can become completely irrational in her "logic" (Pisces). Its Shadow if you want to be simplistic about it.

Yes, this polar expression in Leo makes perfect sense, thank you for the insight. Thus in real life it would be hard to experience any of the signs in absolute purity, not only are they affected by their aspects, and by transits, but also by their polarities when under stress. I knew nothing about astrology, the Tarot, or Jungian psychology before the internal union in April. I have had to reach for them as models to help understand what was going on. These models have unfolded for me as an explanation of the intimate experiential events that continue to occur.

I do not have a lot of theoretical depth beyond what I have experienced, i.e. beyond what I absolutely needed to research. Basically I have lived a lifetime in the space of about eight months and there's a limit to how much theory I can take in, no matter how hard I try. Typical weeks contain so much that is only by my Capricorn habit of keeping careful records that I have any idea of when things have happened.

isthmus nekoi said:
- Finally, anima is the guide to the unconscious; as both moon and Venus aspect the transSaturnian Neptune, I think you can find some illumination on your own connection by exploring the symbology of these two aspects.

Yes, this connection to the Scorpio Neptune is vital, the only connection I have to Water/Cups. Luckily the impersonally deep Neptune energy is conjunct to my personal Vesta in Libra, both in Ninth House. The Vesta energy (Valerie) has been entrusted with the specific work of preserving balance within the psyche, and this is manifest in art and sexuality/spirituality.

isthmus nekoi

Sophie-David said:
I think you are quite correct in observing that secondary First House energies would be "more prone to be unconscious", particularly that of the Moon.

Yes, I would totally agree w/Moon in 1st as having the unconscious very close to the surface! Any angular house (1st, 10th, 4th, 7th) may be seen as increasing the strength of a planet as well.

Through significant dreams in April of this year, a inner union occurred with the Moon energy of the psyche whom I call Sophie, the Intimate Beloved. This brought her into full consciousness. We now normally live in a state of complete integration, but at any time (unless I'm really tired) I can relate to her as a separate entity. [snip] I can always ask Sophie to relay messages for me, she also works as gatekeeper and guide to the unconscious: she is the expression of the High Priestess archetype.

Ah, that is more or less how Jung would describe the function of the anima, gatekeeper to the uncon, guide and psychopompus. I don't believe any archetype can be completely integrated into consciousness, though - that is if we want to be Jungian about things. It's also why when one embarks on this path, one never leaves it.

Yes, I heartily agree! I have discovered that in early childhood they were in fact one entity, she is visioned as a little golden haired girl of about seven years old (the image of Princess Margarita from Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, "The Maids in Waiting", oil on canvas) and I met her and her lion in the meditation on the Strength card. An experience of childhood emotional and sexual abuse fractured the internal little girl into two and effectively killed off the Romantic Beloved. So for me, there was probably even greater polarity between Moon and Venus than for the average Western man.

I'm glad you found meditation upon the tarot so helpful to you. Is this your main reason for coming to tarot, or do you read w/it as well?

Thus in real life it would be hard to experience any of the signs in absolute purity, not only are they affected by their aspects, and by transits, but also by their polarities when under stress.

Yes, I find children to be "purer" in an astrological sense b/c they haven't experienced all those progressions and transits.


For Reading or Meditation?

isthmus nekoi said:
Ah, that is more or less how Jung would describe the function of the anima, gatekeeper to the uncon, guide and psychopompus. I don't believe any archetype can be completely integrated into consciousness, though - that is if we want to be Jungian about things. It's also why when one embarks on this path, one never leaves it.

Oh, yes, I agree that an archetype can never being integrated. "Archetype" is unfortunately one of those slippery words, and Jung himself used it in several different nuances. I do not actually view Sophie as an archetype, but the expression of one. Just as we might say loosely that our natal Sun is being affected by a Mars transit, knowing that its not really the Sun archetype itself that is affected, but the expression or reflection of it in the personal part of our psyche. The actual archetype of the Sun, being an expression of the collective or universal unconscious, remains almost a constant.

But as far as the personal Sophie goes, its a matter of degree of integration since perhaps none of our human concepts are ever experienced in totatility. So by convenience, and especially in comparison with my elusive Eirian, Sophie's integration appears complete.

But at a deeper level I definitely agree with you. Since Sophie and all the rest of the psyche are in a state of growth, integration can never be complete. Any particular entity which we might try to pick out and attempt to define as a "Sophie" is always growing and changing, so how could it be totally included - and where does a Sophie begin and an Eirian start? They are somewhat arbitrary models, attempts to define experiential impressions, yet it helps to give the intellect something to work on.

isthmus nekoi said:
I'm glad you found meditation upon the tarot so helpful to you. Is this your main reason for coming to tarot, or do you read w/it as well?

When my mentor and then my daughter each gave me a reading early this year, about a month after the emergence of Sophie, they felt that I had a gift for Tarot and I felt the same. (But yes, I do agree that almost anyone can be a reader) Although this interested me, at that time there was way too much other stuff that I was trying to process and research to do anything about learning Tarot.

But by September I bought my first deck, Connolly Tarot, to read for the purpose of self-exploration. Later that month, near the end of a two hour period in dreamlike consciousness, Eirian the Creative Beloved entered an extended, beautiful and loving monologue:

For the key was not only the new camera you will buy, but a phallic key. As in your poetry, you are the key and I am the door. There is no skeleton behind my door... There is glorious new life, first perceived in your vision, and then penetrating your other arts.

As your friend has said, your arts are a three-legged stool. Just as each art must balance you, each art in itself must balance. But each art has a particular gift, a particular focus. Your voice is the poetry of your body, your writing is the expression of your mind, your photographic vision is the perception of your spirit. Body, mind and spirit, each must balance just as each must integrate. All are one, but each one is vital to you.

You will soon go through my door, then you will turn left as you already know... towards the East. You have entered a time of preparation, learn to see again in complete fullness.

The Tarot is a part of your new seeing also. It may seem a distraction, but please approach it with discipline. You know what you need of astrology to help you with the Tarot. Give Tarot your sacred devotion, you will not be wasting your effort, for it is another key to me.


So photography, The Art of Seeing (Freeman Patterson's book title), is the primary key and Tarot is "another key to me" - both are integral to unlocking all that the Aquarian Venus archetype expresses and connects to. BTW, the reference to "your voice" means the art of singing.

In Capricorn fashion, I methodically worked through Eileen Connolly's Tarot: A New Handbook for the Apprentice. There were several occasions when it was clear that I had to do a reading for myself, although I wanted to be very disciplined and not read until the book said it was time, when all the cards had been studied. But on each of those occasions I did read, and only the cards that I had studied at that point actually presented themselves to be read. There was obviously a very close partnership between the cards and the Self.

When it came to Connolly's presentation on the Major Aracana, in which she asks the student to meditate and enter the situation of the card, the meditations were very deep and healing, and in some cases ended in readings also. So although I bought the cards to read with, and had no idea that they would be used for meditation, I must say that up to this point their meditational value has been by the far the most important, enabling significant psychic growth.

But I really enjoy reading with them, it is a sacred devotion and joy, an artistic and integrative celebration, and also quite relaxing and renewing.