Concerned about a friend


This is a spread I came up with yesterday, my first spread ever, please let me know what you think about it.

I have a friend who is not really dealing with her problems in the right way, so that the problems would dissappear. She only makes them seem bigger then they really are, and then just doesn't deal with them, 'cos she thinks there's nothing she can do and I am really worried how this can go on. So I decided to consult tarot to help me know more about the situation.

The spread looks like this:


It is meant to be 3+1 card, not 4 cards (here's what I'm trying to say):

1 - How is s/he emotionally and mentally doing in the present
2 - How is s/he coping with her/his problems
3 - How will s/he be in the future

4 - How can I help her/him

Please let me know if you have any suggestions how to make that spread better, or any comments at all. I've never done my spread before, so I didn't quite know how to make one, but I really needed it.




Hello Katja,

I just used your spread for a friend who I'm concerned about, but not in the same exact way as you've described... However your spread was very helpful to me, in fact it was one of the better ones I've done :)

If you are curious, this is what came up:

1) Wheel Of Fourtune (my deck spells it that way lol ;) )
2) King Of Wands
3) Page Of Cups
4) The World

as for interpretation, it's a little personal, but thought I'd share the layout anyway lol. :D


Thanks VisionQuest, I'm REALLY happy someone else besides me can use it! :) I'm so happy you like it! ;)


LOL, we really like it, we just did one for a different friend, and that one came out very good for us as well. This friend has a more complex situation than the other, but we're very happy with the layout, it makes sense to us so far. I even put this one in my newly created Tarot Journal as my first entry :)

Thanks :) :D


Hi Katja,
I used this spread and think it worked out very well!!!
Below is the link to the reading if you are interested in it;)

Blessed Be

I just I should mention that I changed the wording of 2 - How is s/he coping with her/his problems to coping with this issue.



I really like this spread. In fact, I have concerns about a friend now, too, so I'm going to use it tonight to see what comes up. Thanks for sharing!



Wow, I'm so happy to see you guys like it!! :) :cool:


Great spread. I'm going to use it tonight with my sister.