Thoughts, emotions, desires


This is a short spread I've come up with and has been very helpful to me. I used it for my relationship, but I guess it can be applied to other questions in life as well.


1....................2................3 ME

4....................5................6 OTHER PERSON

Then you compare the two cards of thoughts, the two of emotions and the two of desires. If the question involves more people, you can add them under the second person (so you are looking at my, the other person's, the third person's and so on thoughts, emotions and desires about the question).

Tell me about what you think and if you find it useful.

Thanks ;),



this comes at a great time for me, as im in a relatively new relationship. aaand valentines is right around the corner so its good timing for that also! going to try it and will report back to you!


Ok ive just given myself a reading on my relationship and i have to say that the 3 cards for my T,E,D was so dead on it was scary. And i found the cards for the other person were quite interesting... and all very positive. so i cant complain about this reading! :)

i like the simplicity of the spread. Sometimes, less is more.


Thanks DragonLover! I'm happy it works for you as well! :)


I like this one, thanks! it really works :)

tell me about it

Great Spread!!!

I started this spread, expecting it to be about a romantic relationship, but I discovered at the end that it was about a friendship that had been weighing heavilly on the mind of the person I was reading for. It offered great insight, and really just put everything on the line. Good call leaving the "other person" open to interpretation! Good work!