Shall we Dance


Ok, here is another relationship spread..... :rolleyes: I guess it shows I'm trying to figure out all the aspects of my relationships now.... :| But here it is, and hopefully you will find it useful. As for the name..... I can't find anything suitable.... if you have any suggestions, spit it out please. ;)


1 - represents the querent
2 - represents the querent's partner
3 - their relationship mentally/spiritually
4 - their relationship sexually
5 - what is hidden (on the querent's side, the querent maybe knows that it is there, but will not express it openly)
6 - what is hidden (on the partner's side)
7 - the outcome for querent
8 - the outcome for partner
9 - overall outcome




i like it! and ill try it as soon as i get home from class today :)


For a name ... "Shall we Dance" ?? What with the two hidden sides and all.

What if it's not a sexual relationship? I guess this isn't for that?


DragonLover, let me know if it's ok, ok? :)

augursWell, I like your suggestion..... Shall we dance spread.... Great! :) I don't know, I guess you can "skip" this card if it's not sexual... though I used it in a non sexual relationship, it said that there is a wish for something like that.... :D


there was maybe one card of mine that i couldnt really figure out, what the querent (myself) is hiding, and i got the nine of cups. im not sure how to interpret it in that position.

over all i really liked the spread, and found it to open my eyes quite a bit. I found it to be one of the better relationship spreads ive used.


i like the sound of this one and im gonna try it out soon