Triple Cross Relationship Spread


Thought this might be of interest to some of you. I've created this spread because I needed one tailored specifically to this.
It's a relationship spread to give a bit of insight as to what there is between two people, and it's not neccesarily a romantic spread.

For formatting reasons, I started from 0.


0) The querent at the current time.
1) Querent's feelings/emotions/actions in the past.
2) Querent's feelings/emotions/actions at the present.
3) Querent's feelings/emotions/actions most likely to occur in the future if the querent continues on the current path.
4) Querent's true feelings towards partner.
5) The partner at the current time.
6) Partner's feelings/emotions/actions in the past.
7) Partner's feelings/emotions/actions at the present.
8) Partner's feelings/emotions/actions most likely to occur in the future if the querent continues on the current path.
9) Parnter's true feelings for querent.
10) Dynamic between the querent and partner.
11) Most likely feelings/events/actions to occur between the querent and the partner in they continue along the current path (subject to change following the reading).
12) Pitfalls/dangers between the querent and partner to watch out for. Heed the warning this card gives. (A positive card here may indicate the passing of recent troubles.)

Here it is rendered in image format with colours to help visually see the different segments;

I'd apreciate it if you would try out my spread and give me any feedback regarding it.

I don't think I've done too bad, considering I'm 16 ;)


Cool reading. I got results that made a lot of sense. The only cards that were a smidgen confusing for me were the last two and so I drew additional cards for more clarification and it worked out for me. :)