Halllowquest Lesson 4: The Flowering of Logres


Pathwalker - lesson four

This was written in my notebook some time ago, but circumstances swept me away rather. Now I am working on this again, so filling in the previous stuff :)

What I would like to acheive:
TOMORROW - Good impression and good performance at work. Looking after the birds really well. Enjoy the beauty of the season. MAke my loved ones smile.
NEXT WEEK - Next part of Hallowquest journey acheived. Internet commitments fulfilled. Help daughter prepeare for uni. Help husband keep going in the search for work. Contact some friends. Enjoy the training day at work - keep up my performance there. Get my timetable plans up and running. Get the birds more prepared for the next season.
NEXT MONTH - Celebrate the sabbat and full moon. See daughter doing fine at uni and start helping her with accounts. Continue with Hallowquest. Solitary walks/arboretum trips. Really make good work impressions. Do some more textile/artwork stuff.
NEXT YEAR - Greater structure and prosperity in uor home life. Greater connection with OH. New relationship with student daughter. Spiritual journey. Textile projects. More confidence and opportunity in tarot reading. A holiday. Strong friendships. Better health.
TWO YEARS - Give up work if I chose, because no onger necessary. Go on a mushroom identification walk. Do moe gardeing, herb drying and incense making. Be in a position to take an art based degree(?) or tarot art, or something similar that I would really enjoy. To be outside more.

Cherished Ideals. This is a difficult area to consider because my most cherished hopes involve a financial situation which is, realistically, beyond my control. I'd like the time to be able to study for several years, like a degree-type course. And I'd like to have a cottage/retreat in the woods where I would be undisturbed [I'm truly a hermit-type of person].
Both of these things rrequire a level of financial support that I'm unlikely to have.


Pathwalker - Mabon's Gate Spread

(again, this was done some time ago, and I see differnt things in the reading now, but this is how I first saw it)

On the subject of further education/study for me:

1 Guinivere
2 Hermit
3 Stone Hallow
4 Seeker
5 Sword King
6 Stone Three
7 Sovereignty
8 Sword Knight
9 Stone Seven
10 Cauldron
11 Sword Two

[Wow, all majors, Swords and Stones!]

1. What would I like to acheive? III Guinivere
Well, I guess that does pretty much sum me up! (ETA no studying here then, no timetables imposed) She is the honoured queen of the fertile summer land, and is pursuing a textile craft outdoors, with flowers in her long hair, and wearing a wonderful long [impractical] gown :)

2. What is blocking me from acheiving it? XI Grail Hermit
Now, that card here does suprise me! I love the solitary, studious Grail Hermit, with his cottage in the wood, and his books. How does this block me? One of the reversed meanings is "procrastination". Am I wasting time waiting for the perfect situations to come into being? )ETA of course, the hermit isn't just sitting here to please himself, he has a task. perhaps I don't know the task, or siut the task I've set in some way?)

3. How I unconsciously block myself. Stone Hallow
Again, a hard to see card. Reversed it says "Learning the hard way. Prosperity brings responsibility". So I stop myself.
(ETA I don't think I understood that at all at the time. My thoughts were always about the finance of a situation; I hope I may be beginning to see beyond that now.)

4. What have I already acheived? O The Seeker
I have started on the road, seen the possibilities, I am still looking into the distance.

5. What helps me acheive it? Sword King
My own mental abilities, and the support given to me by the personification of the Sword King in my real life.
(ETA yes, I needed to experience and reason, before understanding)

6. How have I helped myself? Stone Three
By being commited and organised, skillful and creative! That's nice.

7. The way my idea is seen by others. XI Sovereignty
So, I could do it if I wanted? I am the Queen of my domain? It's something I could grasp if I felt I wanted it?

8. Who will benefit from my idea? Sword Knight
Well if Launcelot is OH, how does he benefit? (ETA Both of us benefit from a new way of daily living, even if his burden is now different to mine)

9. How can I revisualise my idea? Stone Three
I drew this card once, in conjunction with the Grail Maiden. After studying them both I wondered if the Maiden was waiting for me, with the Grail, in the distant trees on this card. If I could get past the damaged section of the wall, or bestir myself to repair it and move on, I could trael to the distant grove, and there find my spiritualy inspiring place.

10. The next step. XIV Cauldron
I'm thinking that this has two aspects.
1) is about continuing on a spiritual path, but
2) is about allowing things to go into the pot, to be changed and reconstituted. This is a vessel to be sought, but it also changes. It has the energy/power to allow me to move into a new state of mind or place.

11. The key which will unlock the door to the next acheivement. Sword Two
My old friend the 2 of Swords (and the Adder again). I need to find time to consider seriously - to make a good comprimise work - not all one thing or the other.
(ETA, now I see this as having to choose, not trying to live in a compromise situation).


Pathwalker - questions and meditation

How does the Wasteland manifest in your personal life and surroundings?
"Most of my time is spent in places which have no active 'love' principle. At work, shopping, even on the internet, I may be stepping on poisoned ground - rushing around but not building.

What are you doing/can be done about it?
"Ah, I could spread love with each step I took, be the active principle which I feel is missing, spread healing, even to the ground itself, to negate the effects of the poison."

What is your secret dream?
"To be empowered to do this, to ask for and receive the spiritual gifts which I can then use to heal, to be the solution to the problem I see. To have the financial security to make my dreams a reality, a lottery win or something amazing like that."

The Flowering of Logres.
Here I get the impression that times are mellow and rich. Everywhere is green, even the slpoes of the hills, and there is ripe grain. Butterfly and Bee say to me "flowers, fruit, honey." (ETA - each in it's right time)
Each of the Hallows is here, adults dance with children, there is joy, knowledge of good, completion.
The landscape is good, wholesome, fresh. It is not broken, polluted, ravaged for more than we need. The land is love, and has love. There is peace. There is enough.
There are the sounds of nature, and growth, not the soounds of anger and destruction. There is work to do - but neither the land or the people are desolate or broken.

The long visualisation is private, but it becomes clear to me that it's not about me, it's about helping uncover the inspiring light for my times.


aduki: task 3: the Mabon's Gate Spread

Mabon's Gate Spread: How can I improve my health? Why don’t I get better?
I used my brand new Arthurian Tarot Deck for this spread, with many many thanks to PathWalker!

1. Spear King
2. Stone Knight
3. Stone Four
4. Stone Ten
5. III Guinevere
6. Grail Knight
7. XIV The Cauldron
8. Stone Nine
9. Spear Six
10. Stone King
11. Grail King

This interpretation is based on my spontaneous reactions (to the images themselves and the general RWS-meanings of the cards). Any feedback is welcome.

1. What I would like to achieve. Spear King. Having enough energy & using it wisely, able to create (forging) as much as needed.

2. What is blocking me from achieving this? Stone Knight. I’m very slow and thoroughly in everything I do. Maybe I have the idea that things cannot solve themselves fast and easy? There has to be some hard work involved.

3. How I unconsciously block myself. Stone Four. A longing for safety, for security. Not easily letting things go.

4. What I have already achieved. Stone Ten. I’m much more grounded then before I got ill, much more aware of my body, really inside my body.

5. What helped me achieve it? III Guinevere. Dancing the flowing rhythm (5rythms), creativity, developing a trust in the Goddess (instead of the feeling that I have to do everything myself, that I’m responsible for everything), Eutony

6. How have I helped myself? Grail Knight. I learned to listen to my intuition.

7. The way my idea is received by others. XIV The Cauldron. I’m still brewing something, I’m in a process, also struggling/trying to find a balance between what I want to do & what I can do.

8. Who will benefit from my idea? Stone Nine ??? The whole community (earth, people, animals)?

9. How I can re-evaluate my idea. Spear Six. (I draw this card a lot). Look at what you did achieve instead at what you didn’t.

10. The next step. Stone King. ??? A King feels like very wise to me. This seems like a sequence: What I have already achieved. Stone Ten. What is blocking me from achieving what I want? Stone Knight. The next step. Stone King. So I have to go further on the path of what I have already achieved, but finding a way to get past the Stone Knight??? The dog reminds me to be loyal to myself.

11. The key that will unlock the door leading to achievement. Grail King. Healing. Oké, back to the start ;-) Feels like emotions will be a central part in getting better. At the moment, I’m learning how to manage my emotions better (learning how to really let them be, listen to them, but not being overwhelmed by them). I have the impression that I often get stuck in something, a pattern, and that emotions play a central part in it. But there is no reference to Grails in the part about what is blocking me (2 & 3). So Grails are part of the solution (6 & 10), not of the problem? Maybe the Grail King is the next step after the Grail Knight: How have I helped myself? Maybe this card means that I have to let the healing simply happen, not striving for it so much.

What I want to achieve, the next step, and the key to achievement, are all Kings. Seems like they mirror each other? Maybe I’m too much focused on the Spears (energy), instead of turning my attention to the Stones (my body) and Grails (emotions)?

Maybe the key is accepting who I am. And the struggle of wanting to do much more then I’m able to (being slow and thoroughly), will always be part of me. Maybe I have to stop fighting it? And then the healing will simply happen.


I tried to enter the card this afternoon, and noticed that I had become the butterfly. But after that, I fell asleep :)


I hope you flew well in your dreams.


tasks & questions

Task 1. Make a list of what you would like to achieve: tomorrow, next week, month, year, 2-3 yrs

At the moment I’m really struggling with lists and how to use them. I don’t want to get my hopes up, to notice afterwards that I simply don’t have the energy to do what I have planned (& looked forward to). Other problems I have with lists: they give me stress, and I find it difficult to dedicate myself to something, make choices: I want to keep my options open (for the longer period).

Tomorrow: practical things. Next week: a lot of practical things (planning a birthday party & getting ready for my holidays). Next month: I hope I enjoy my birthday party and my vacation. And I hope to continue this HallowQuest (on my rhythm, even though I am hopelessly behind by now). Next year: I want to feel better by then. At the moment, I feel like I’m stuck in something & I really want to unraveling this knot by next year. And I want to learn some personal development skills. In three years: I want to be able to work again, have a job in which I feel useful, that I like, that is fit for my abilities & that pays enough. And by then I want to be able to use these personal development skills I have learned to help others.

I notice there is a discrepancy between the short term and the long term: for the short term I plan practical things, for the long term I want to achieve personal development goals. So, I ask the question: am I working towards the long term during the short term? Actually, I do, but these things are already planned, so I don’t list them again. But I could relax more, and do Eutony on a daily basis.

Task 2. Look at long cherished ideals and hopes. Are you still resolved to fulfill them? Have ideals become stale, without motion? If still cherished, how will you fulfill them? Out loud, rescind old unwanted ideals that may be clogging your pathway, also speak your present ideals and wishes.

For 20 years, my primary ideals and hopes where about changing this world around me. For now I just want to change myself :).

Question 1. How does the Wasteland manifest in your personal life and surroundings? What are you doing/ can be done about it?

Feels like I have already answered this question in Lesson 2: Question 1. What is the Wasteland to you? On a personal level: the feeling that I’m wasting my life/talents (being ill, not being able to do much, but also feeling trapped in destructive patterns).

Question 2. What is your secret dream?

The first thing that comes to mind is: being successful :). Being part of a community and playing an important role in it. Finding a way to communicate the things I have to tell (by writing a book, giving workshops…). And still: change the world.


Aerin said:
I hope you flew well in your dreams.
Thanks, but it was a very deep and dreamless sleep.
And nice to know that you still follow this thread.


Hi Aduki :)
I read the threads too - even when I don't have anything to say I'm still wishing travellers well :)

Blessings and gladness
PW x