hello let talk about channelin :O) and life lessons


my guides are avn, the energy doctor, and some guide with a chinese hat on and a robe who i havne't raise myself up to get his name or i been block is more like it but he radiates great light .

the way i percive the spirit guides.

1. the earth spirits who teach about nature and laws of nature e.x fairies, spirit animals, the grandfathers, the little people
2 spirit guides who are highly evolved beings who have followed the path of light and teach the universal principles and ways of love and light ex. lightworkers, beings of light, council of light
about the council of light i don't know them personally one day before i read about them i was told i would be sponsored to learn about them and i read a tiny bit of them but i havne't divined more from what i understand they want to put up healing centers around the world . and the image i had was a great big center where various workers like massage, energy workers, reflexolgies are all working in harmony and there is a schedule you see a reflexologiest and then the next week you see a massage therapist , and then a reiki worker.
of course such a place would be highly expensive to see so they work at half pay the other half paid by the govenment YES THE GOVERNMENT but we havn't elvoled that far yet but it is coming :O).
3. the masters they follow the creator plans yet have shall we say full choice of how to follow it ex ashtar command, sanada,
4 the angels they are the messengers, the protectors but most important whatever they do they follow the creator divine will and plan.

svlia browne and other but she expalins it best how we choose our lives , our experiences before we even come down to be reborn.
one of the spirit guides is our long soul friend who agreed to make the journey with us to guide us and explore life with us.
the other spirit guide is the guardian angel who protects us through life according to the plan.
which is why they say we alwasy have two spirit guides traveling with us at all times.

they do not take away our lessens ,, to do so would go against one of the divine principles. instead they faciliate to help us get through it .
how may thou ask ?
if we are not openly channeling then they have their means...

1. dreams
2. impressions
ie. whisper something into our psychic ears,
show something to our psychic eye
3. guardian angels have been known to push people out of dangers and such .
example at my dad house in the woods i was going out to use the outhouse and i had a bad feeling and was getting fearful . still i was starting to walk down the stairs and the door which i gently start to close behind me as to know to wake my door SLAMMED BEHIND ME SO HARD IT SOUNDED LIKE A GUNSHOT and i heard a bear go running into the woods crying from the direction of the outhouse if it didn't happen i would of walk into the bear in the darkness and given my fear startled it and who knows.
4. the other way is just to project their knowledge to us through our subsconcious.

yet with all these protection why do people get hurt. ..
1. the issues and plans we made before we born.
1. we plan to get into a car accident to teach us life lessons ie. courage, how to over come injuries.
yet in real life sometiems we fail in these lessons despite all the cheerleading, and it is ok .. in the universe life we can attempt it in a another life or even a diffent mean possibly on a diffent world.

the evils of the world
:O( this truly make me sad..
a soul plan to go through lessons and fails in overcoming them and falls into darkness.
ex sad as it is :O( :O(
a guy kidnaps someone who did them wrong in a past life (no inncoent is ever harmed , what a child is an innocent isn't they ?
no their soul carries karma from their past life with their tormentor and they resolved to clear that karma in whatever way they can at an early age. more on this after i tell the story)
and the moment comes when the kidnaper could let go the victam or give in to hate and anger and pay back the karma given to them .. or even worse if the past life karma wasn't as bad as the kidnapper actions, MAKE MORE KARMA by raping the victam or killing the victam. so in the next life that karma is on the victam.
now for the child.
the child who died may of had karma or just been a friend on the soul level who came down to help the person with lessons and was killed by the kidnapper.

truely the kidnapper will pay for if he is not caught in this world.
when he passes on
there is a place he goes to relive all the wrongs and good he did . and the souls of those he wrong come in to a room where the soul goes to face them.
if we are still alive we go to this place with our astral self in our dreams.
and our guides , and our guardian angels are there with us to reassure us for we still carry a bit of ego with us in the astral plane that is what makes us unique.

and in this confrontation we either forgive or say you owe me this and we have to work through it in the next life or some other means. and the guardian angel oks it by asking the creator according to his plan , and the spirit guide helps you with your decisions according to your lessons and issues you have still going on with your soul.

should you not decide to come down for a while as you want to journey the unverise and observe and learn. and grow
your spirit guide will begin their own journey based on what they learn and how they grew by helping you ..


there is many soul mates in a life time
these we know by the feeling we get by how we look at them . a soul mates is more then romance but true soul friendship. they can be our parents , an animal. (nature spirits can be soul mates anything of light and love can be a soul friend to another) a stranger who gives us advice for an hour in a coffee shop yet changes our lives forever.

the soul mates most wonder about is the romance one for so many feel imcomplete by themsevles .
it is true that lessons in life are not cleared by an soul mate but a true soul mate will help you clear them

(i lost it as my brother just came in and startled me)

i have to stop now my fingers were getting sore and i lost the connection for now .


sin as a lack of lovel.

*getting into the mode*

sin is defined by the course in miracles as a lack of love.

the bible tells of jesus telling people your sins are forgiven you what does that mean.

your lack of loves are forgiven you so your are healed, the light and love from the master and the open vessel of the faithed made it possible that which everyone thought was impossibled.
that is why the master asked the faithed if you believe.
for it wasn't belevied then the one who asked could not be healed
as he wasn't ready to let go of his lack of loves in the world and prefered instead to be tortured and suffer as was his right.

the master also says that the children bore the sins of the parents is truly wrong and they are not born in sin. for they are in fact innocent except for the karma they carry from the previous lives they have lived which they have chosen to work through in their present lives as lessons and issues to be expereinced.

if they carry karma how can they be called innocent. they are inncoent of the knowledge of the world and as they explore the world they lose that innocence. hence that is why he said only once you have become a child again can thou come with me to paraphrase. he does not mean in the next life but instead let go of the percieved knowledge of the world and embrace the true self and the selfs connection to the creator and every living thing.

the master is not a he. for is the daughter a true woman, and does not carry a part of the sun within her ?
i say thee nay in fact the master is both sun and daughter, both energies resided within the true christ.

in fact when she comes down again it will be show the world of the goddess and to not to embrace religion but instead the faith of the faithed who have found the truth and to awaken the faith in all potential faithed and shall therefore awaken the world.

she will not die as a martyr but will awaken the world in ways we can't see as we are blind to them as of yet.

the final impression is she will ascend

end tranmission


ah hail again

we would like to talk today about the differnce between a channler and a prophet. the channeller channels information and can tune into lot of differnt areas according to his abilities and his openingess. the prophet however is the direct messenger of the universe will and has a set path, and the prophet only needs to decide to follow now or after. this channel is not a prophet the information he posted yesterday was universal knowledge that is is aviable to many channels. the prophet has not yet come .

so we shall talk today about spirit guides and predicitng the future and why some can't.
time does not exist outside of your dimension yet how can we tell the future according to your time line. ?

the askashic records, the plans we set up for ourselves for our lives are all kept there, and the spirit guides can turn into those plans to give specific information
example. at your age of 30 you will have a child.
yet we cannot tell you who the father is, or how the child will be concieved less if it was very pertinent information and is accordingly recorded in the askaschic records.
everyday information is not record there as the rest is up to your free will and your intentions.
for we spirit guides can whisper into your ears.. and your will still ultimatley make your own decision.

how we perceive your making your choices when an active spirit guide is with you they see your thinking to some with pictures to others with feeling and other with whisper, but it is not definite.
it is more like it changes as you consider all the options and the one that we see the most in your aura is the one we can then predict the probilities and possiblites

by acknowledging these possiblities we would tell you that the future is indeed not set in stone as your choices ultimatly confirm your blueprint you made.
what about the decison we made before we came down and you tell us about it ?
there is two things to realize here.. the first is rather obivous.
we tell you soemthing through our means i.e. antoher tarot channel, a dream..and you conisider it .. log it and then move on and it will slip out of your mind.. til five years after and you meet someone and have a child. or adopt a child, or get left with a child by a rape. as we noted earlier we could not tell you how the child was concieve or how it came into your own personal world.
but the child was the most inportant thing to let you know as it is what you choose to have by some means to experience being a mother, experience choosing life or death if you choose abortion. if the latter happend .

about the rape..
we bring up the second possibilites ,we as spirit guides have only access to certian parts of the records, the rest is kept vieled as to not take away your life lessons.
and so if such a thing would occur to bring about a child into a life of the person , we would sense . a disturbtance, but would not be able to divine it true intentions .

see in such a case the two people free will would make your worlds and we could only guide.
for the rapist if he is not fallen to much into darkness his spirit guide would telling him to feel the love he used to know and give in to this violence of being a conqueror. and so the person made the wrong choice to surrender instead of fight the darkness.

sometimes this does not take place even.
picture a potential rapist who is being counseled by his spirit guide and he feels the love for he is not fallend so much into darkness and he fights the dark feelings he has and let the potnetial go he may even say go before i give in to these feelings it is not been unknown to happen. then mother to be in a week from that night might concieve in passing of night event.

there is many considerations to take place to your guardian angel orders, to his ability to protect , to the plan, to our abilities to send love.
i give you a reverse scenario where the a child was not to be concieve and the oppurnity was not supposed to happen, nor did you choose to experience a learning expereince of the victam.
and the potential rapist just choose you at randomness. what would happen there would be a meetings of spirits guides his and the one we would be watching. or even to reverse it , her and the one we are watching for it is possible for a male to be raped.

and we would talke about how to best avoid , give the possible plan to the guardian angel and we would sit tight and send love, and it is the guardian angel to protect you from this not in the plan harm.
lots of ways would happend , a bystander would interfere who would experience the hereo lesson. .
the potential rapist might be scared off ,

but enough of this sitiution for as a loving guide it is hard to talk about .

as above as below , we spirit guides have feelings, and free will as well, and it is of that free will that we who accept the postion of spirit guides , serve you :O)
and we can cry in our dimension. for we see your emotions, feel the pain ,

i give you this scenario the watcher,
we are the invislbe watcher, who talk to the person we watch in their dreams and when they astravel trave we take them to their places of learning. and reveal what we can , and
in the wakening we still watch, as loving friends :O)

why do some guides not able to see the askashic records.
1. as individuals have their own strs so do we guides
.. the askashick records are open to all who wish to view them yet if like we said we can not see that we are supposed to. for the divine plan is the plan and can not be changed by us.

why do some people are not as high in abundance as others. ?
is the person who has many friends any poorer then the rich man who has many freinds . nay we say to you he is not. material abundance does not mean anything in the higher dimensions.
abundance comes through love of the unvierse the more love you the more happier you are and you attract more love.
the rich man may be very unhappy or closed spirituality :O(
and so his lessons are diffent , not better or worse just diffent.

the crusades,
it was not the divine plan for their to be a war.
it was the divine plan for trade to be the way to change the world the way the crusade war did.
and it was the free will of those in power that caused the war. notice it didn't last that long but the benefits were many.

the children crusade.
they were warriors spirits who meant to change the world , where did they disappear to ,
they were oppressed, and taken advantage of but their message stay true today.
stay true to yourselves your heart.
they were the manifestation of the fool , whether they made the right decision is not our places to say.

be true to your hearts, that is a lesson
the channel abilites are healing, tarot, but there is so much he doens't know,
just as spiritual guides outside of our domains there is so much we don't know.
no one but the great myster knows everything.
but as we evolve we make the great myster better.
the great myster is so great . that even we spirit guides have not seen the great myster , we are just aware of the great myster.
there is three theories the channel knows of for the universe creations.
the big bang, alwasy is, alway evolving, and always becomign smaller for the next big bang.
for those who try to define the great myster of the universe, it has to be one or the other, but nay it is so great it does all of these at the same time and much more.
there is so much to say but the channel is exhuasted so we leave them to say stories we told him last night.


the story of the three children

the story of the three children.

the first child had a straw berry bush in a garden and so he would go and pick strawberries when ever he wanted. taking for granted the strawberries would always be there . one time he learn the lesson of eating all the strawberries at one time and having to wait for them to go all back.
and then he learn the lesson of transplanting the strawberries and making mroe strawberries
and so he said i am bored of strawberries and left them alone for a great many years,, until he came back and instead of seeing a great strawberry field there was nothing .. he did not know if a big chill came or what all he knew was a force of nature took them away . so he beseech the creator why why ,
and the creator told him "what interests you this , you were not using it . i gave the field to the ground to renew itself"
and he cried "now i got no mroe strawberries"
and the creator "take not for granted what is given but i love you much my creation look yondor "
and the boy look and saw little strawberries hidden in a part away from and remembering the ground had to renew itself,, took how the strawberries renew themselves and find himself a new field and remembered his lessons well.

the second child tried to grow corn where it was well known nothing grew.
for years he tried and still nothing grew (lucky there was strawberries in the next field :O))
finally he beseech the creator why si there nothing growing here ?
"my creation see you not the land it is dead, and some day it might become alive again but that is not the plan, you can change the mandate of heaven for your own accord"
and the child yelled at the creator for a long time.
and fianlly said what is you want me to do
"done ye your yelling eh, take the corn seeds you have and find a new field where life abounds and plan them there and grow them there "
but why not here ask the boy knowing the answer but wanting to hear it again
"told ye have i already" and the boy left remembing his lessons of defying the mandate of heaven and where it got him.

the third child wanted to grow flowers in a new field. and no one knew if it was possible or not.
the child laboured hard and long , clearing a place, brining waterwhen it didn't rain. fertizling the soil finally the flower grew.
and it bloomed for a long time but as all things it died.
and the child cried .. and cried and cried and mourn all the time spent for such a usless thing
"why child are you crying "
the child said" i just wasted my life"
the creator said " nay, you have tried something new, laboured hard and did something new,"
the child calmed down a bit"but the flower died "
"aye but change happens to all things i create look at the ground you will see seeds, take those seeds and do whatever you like with those seeds, plant them here again and make more if you like "
the child asked "what else can i do i have done it already "
"go ye and find thee a new place taking what you have learn with you, you have done your job here or you can stay here and toil and tame this land comepletey or stay to someone comes and share your knowledge and then move on, actually the possbilites are endless"
and so the child smiling picked up the seeds knowing there were possibilites. the end .


poem, tarot channeled.

the song of the stars call to you
remember that your a star too.
peace flows through the force
the force of life, the creator.
connect to it to revel in the love

when surrounded by darkness
fight it not for you give it power
simply let it flow through
and call out to love
and the light will come.

fear of the devil moves us all
or is it the devil fear us too.
for we are strong souls
not easily tempted
once we know the light.

those who have power over us
will know our true hearts
once we stand up to our fears
and shed free their bondage
and say i am a creation of the creator

the tower can move,it can fall
yet always will it stand
in the dreams of the generations.
the symbolic tower of babel
when we gave power to our egos

we challenged the mandate of heaven
and the lighting struck the tower
and the water weakned its foundation
no matter how much we prepared
it was the universe will

the transformative power of death
comes as an old woman
to some to be feared
yet to others as angel
which is as it should be

when the order is given
by the great mystery
the time of the wilting comes
and the rebirth will follow
in the changing power of death.

the hermit cries out
follow me into the cave
what he seeks we know not
for he was made to go alone
seeking his personal power

he has no possions
like the prophets of old
giving up on material things
seeking only the light
in his own way with his guides.

the hanged man watched him
seeing things diffently then us
always in a new way
with a new mind
open and willing

suffer he will
if he must
he must see it through
to get his own vision
in the sundance of the creator

the sun, the evergiving sun
sheds it;s light
on all those near
representing the blessings
of the creator.

those who are not ready
will still get the light
but not in great degree
so as to not to burn
there is nothing to fear.

the fools know this
following his heart,
dancing down the road
carrying with him
only what he needs
to follow the journey of heart.

he won't follow his mind
caring not for the dangers
being looked after
by the spirit guides
having only pure intentions.

the follower wishes to do that
but having faith in his beliefs
his heart lies elsewhere
his livilehood coming from the spirit
he studies

this hieorphant
is not a warrior
seeks to counsel
and not to war
putting down his sword.

the male magician, son
scientist, alchemist
mover, and shaker
i shall follow my own path
and no one else

I am the creator of my world
yet even he knows his powers
comes from elsewhere
so even as creator of his world
he still channels the creator.

the high priestess, daughter
loves the magician
but goes in her own way
i shall not direct, i shall recieve
the knowledge given

this knowledge is kept
for those who are ready
for she is femal force.
the opposite of the taker
she is giver

the creator becomes the law
the son becomes the father
so forth the son becomes
the emperor of his world
knowing the laws of the world.

logic must goven
we must controll
that around us
if there is to be peace
in the land of vulcan

the daughter becomes the mother
the reciever becomes the giver
the priestress becomes emperoress
knowing the laws of the soul
and keeping in atune the laws of nature

inuition must be law
emtions is the rule
for we follow not the high love
how else can we nurture
and love the land.

the emperor time to act has come
and so he rides his chariot
and i will conquer this world
he yells for his control to increase
knowing the mind must be strong

ambition is the first part
deciation to action
is the second part
and movement completes
the act of bending the world.

mother nature time to act
i will tame the lion with honey
tame the land with love
wait for the lion
to let me open it's mouth

inner strenght is the key
not muscles and war
avoid war at all costs
through giving
and sharing.

when do they merge
when do they complete each other
bringing balance to the force
when they admit they are opposites
yet made from the same cloth

the lovers, two half of the same beings
the soul mates, forever freinds on the soul plane
only through truth, forgivness
all postive emtotions
and sharing can they remain.

yet life has a way of changing things
who knows when the volcano will erupt
the hurricane will hit,
the lake will dry up
and it won't simply rain

fate, does it follow the divine plan
for the world, taking into account everyting?
the wheel of fortune knows
it know knows it can't be controlled
just it keep changing up and down

what of karma
wrongs must be righted
rewards given
laws upheld.
secrets revealed.

justice is that lady
who knights the squire
punishes the murderer
in her own way
not ours
we never trully understand karma afterall

balance is the key
the buddha preched moderation
not extremes.
it is the true warning
if it is hot get out of the way

if it is cold start a fire
or we get diseased.
we must treat our lives with temperance
we got many give to those less
we have less ask for more.

the moon lights our night
doing two things..
making things mystical
while putting a veil over truths
that it is up to decide which is right

the choice is ours what we believe
follow the path which looks good
not knowing if the wolves are on that path
or some dogs to guards us.
we must just follow the moon's light

the judgement we all face when we die.
we face our karma
we face the truths
and review our lives
and know great spiritual mysteires

we awaken from the dream
that we call the world.
and say thanks for my lessons
and are healed by reuniting
with our soul fully.

the rebirth, it begins a new
the conception when we will come
back again with innocence
forgetting what we knew
yet holding our true essence within

the world card is our to experience anew
to try things differntly
to go through the fool journey again
for our true selves we can't hide
as our inner childs, our true self, never dies.


Holmes, thankyou for all that! The poem was beautiful: Very though provoking too! I like the way it goes through the Major Arcana, but doesn't go through it in order: It adds a whole new light to the teachings of the cards.

Was all the other stuff Channeled through Spirit Guides? I've never looked into this practice very much, but it seems very interesting. How does it work? And what does it feel like?



ah a reply :O)

channeling when consciously done feels like that mode we go into when we are creating a picture, or for the warrior when he is a boxing match and he can do no wrong . for the movie lover seeing an movie that captures his imagination. it feels like your thoughts are expanded and for me a little yoda is speaking in my head :O):O) hehe

there is many levels to channeling
1. conscious channelin where you consciously decided to grow by interactin with your spirit guide
2. semi conscious where you don't remember what you said, and why you said it but you felt the love and the guide enters your body as well.
3 unconscous channeling
a good example of this is the lady who channeld seth. he called her rupert.
the guide would take over the body while the concscious is protected by the spirit guide.

it was all done consciouly
if i had a client in front of me it would go semi conscious so the client could get a deeper reading.

i sit there at the computer and i wait for a flow of energy to begin.
why a flow of energy?
see a guide sends light at you for your mind to translate. the universal message is the same but translate differntly by many channels.
to me this light transmission feels to me like a energy flow and and i hear a dictation, sometiems it feels like i do when i listen to a song, for the poem it sounds like some guy on stage trying differnt poems.
the one part where it goes from emperoess,emperor to chairot, to strneth beginning at magican, and high preistess. i was supposed to relate them together seeing how they flow.
and i wrote one line of the poem and they said you lost the energy that wasn't the intendended energy. and i had to tune in and wait :O).
even when i felt the energy and was writing . they said once , hey that sounds better go back and i did umm let me look up to see where the moon lights our night.
i forget what the orginal line was but lets keep it simple them changed to that line.

the story about the three childeren and the strawberries, flowers, and corn.
i got the basic story the night before and kept seeing it diffently as in movies, with possiblities.
then when i start writing it it was like they decided to edit the best parts and said this and now that :O)

the first two posts were just to share.


hail peace be with you

today is a differnt kind of post
it is a mediation post
one of the favs we take this channel to in his dream

the moon is out big and bright glowing with radiance. the night is cool and refreshing there is a nice wind blowing just to make you feel alive. there is music in the air. far off a band is playing around a camp fire.
do you enter the camp fire and introduce yourself or do you stay safe in the clearing where you are sitting.
see there is a pondish lake where the moon is reflecting on you are sitting by big a big huge round rock equal to your size no one knows how it got here.
there is a circle around this lake of rocks like around a scared fire.
this is to keep the lake sacred energy pure.
you drink of this pure sacred water and feel anew, renew, and you think if only i could drink this water everyday. then you feel the peace and think to yourself no matter it is enough that i am here.
eh a bird chirpin in the distance. how is it you could hear the chirping over the music of the camp fire over yonder.
it is a peaceful song that overrides your senses.
the most beutiful melody you ever heard .. it takes you to mountains high above a valley where you used to tend sheep. you show your power by calling wooh over the valley and the echoings touch your soul . wait in your hands appears a flute, and you play that melody that the bird is singing and you are peaceful and happy being creative with soul.
suddenly the bird is done and your are back at the meadow and you get up and salute the bird ye bird of love thank thee.
as you lay down the rock start to talk
hail old soul i am the grandfather and here to talk to you about anything you want to know. and you ask him this or that..

and you get up and stretch and leave an offering to thank the great grandfather. and you walk down the yellow sand road it too has rocks at the side going all the way down. and where does it go to town, to a castle , into the sky to talk to the thunderbeings,
through a forest
whereever it goes an old lady comes out and you what would you like .. a wand to express your spiritual nature. a cup to full with love, a sword of power to create with, or a pentacle to furfill your dreams.
which ever you take you move on til you get the place you were going too and they give you a lesson of the object and ask for it and they will give you a feather or staff , or a shield something totally differnt yet it is connected to the path of learning you choosed.

and again you appear at the meadow with the object looking at it trying to discern it's meaning when the wind starts to talk to your or could it be the lake with a lady in it.
or perhaps it is the fire where the gpsies are playing singing their songs.
if you hadn't visited the campfire yet, you decide to do so get up and go over there and introde the fire as it was your brother. hello spirit of the fire what may i do for you .
listen good one listen to what i have to you about your gift.
and after he is done he offers to purify you with the fire and you step in and it doesn't hurt nay you are glowing and the fire says i am the fire of your soul remember me well and how i feel.
then who are these people making the music you wonder.

ah BROTHER one of the muscians says , come and we will talke. remember all spirits of light are brothers. come and we will sing a song for that object of teaching you have gathered.
and if you had the feather they turn into a pow wow singing a high pitch native song
hi nei ho hi nei ho
remember me to my ancestors.
remember me to my future generations
when i am gone
for we are all a big family
none to be turn away
hi nei ho hi nei ho
and let them keep this with them
as a reminder of who i was
of who i am
and of who i will be
hi nei ho hi nei ho
and you dance around the fire repeating these words .and you have a animal head what are you ,, this is your power animal
what is it a deer, the kindly rabbit, the old bear ?
whatever object you choose the animal will remain the same for the animal is ourselves and our power animals sent to guide us in the world.
feel the power of your spirit , of your brother, and your friend and the animal becomes a person but with features of their animal self. like antlers for instance.
come dance with me they say and remember me in your dreams.
and you remember when you saw this animal and what emotion you have had of it.

and all the sudden you are back at the meadow.
the campfire is gone.
it is really cold as the warm heat from the day before is gone from the lake and only the wind now caresses you .
but wait the sun is rising. sun beams of blessing falls on the lake making it shine and you anxiously await the sun wanting to recieve the final blessing

oh brother
come and bless me
come and light my day
come and renew my energy
your heat is love to me
and a renewal of the world
making things grow .

i will not forget your love
and i will let things grow
in my life, my children
my true love
my plants
my animals
i won't forget the dawn of a new day

meingwich it means thankyou in the channel native language and he know not how to spell it
peace be with you

star streak


Thank you, my friend, for sharing all of this beauty and Light, and deep, simple wisdom.

life is......eh?


I have a few more questions about Channeling, because I am totally new to it...

I notice in your post somewhere that you said phrases that I myself, because of my religious persuasion, would probably never use to refer to the Divine or to energy, etc... Does the mesage and words used for description eg, Christ Consciousness/Collective Unconscious/Soul/Goddess/Ancestor/Ancients, etc change according to who is on the receiving end of what the Spirit Guides are saying? For instance, whilst a Christian may get messages talking about Christ and Heaven, would a Pagan/Wiccan get messages about the Gods?

My second question is: Do you have to have any specific abilities to channel messages? I am guessing you certainly need to be more open and accepting towards such messsages and Spirit Guides, but is there anything else required?

And my last question is: Can the channeling happen at any time? Does it aways happen at your own will?
