Buckland Romani-The Chariot


A stern looking gyspy drives a flatcart at high speed down a country lane. He seems to know exactly where he is going and has every intention of getting there, and on time too. The whip in his hand is poised and ready to push the horses to go even faster if need be.

Two horses pull the flatcart. One, a large white horse, has pulled slightly ahead of the other, and looks to be leading the way. He is wearing blinders which keep him from distraction and focused on the road ahead. The other horse, a smaller black one, falls a step or two behind, although their rythym is still in sync. This suggest the possiblity that the ride might not be as smooth as a more evenly matched team would provide. It is a beautiful day and nothing suggests that the gypsy won't reach his destination however he's not there yet and we can't see how much further he has to go.


This card screams to me of decisions to be made. The black horse with blinders is ahead of the white horse without, true enough. But is it because he is not distracted by details along the journey, or because he has tunnel vision? Is the driver rushing headlong into a place, time, situation without full consideration of all details needed to make a wise choice?


To me it seems that the white horse is pulling the cart and the black horse is just following along. The driver seems competent in directing his will and determined to get to his destination. He seesm as though he is in a hurry, leaving me with the impression that, when the mission is important enough, one will get control of their situation in order to be sucessful.