William Blake Tarot - Study Group??? Any takers??


Does anyone want to come and play with me? :)



Sure, I'll play! Good excuse to spend some overdue quality time with this unique deck.


Nice one Strange2 :D

I've already posted in Ruby7's thread on Innocence and I'll start a link in the Study Group Index for us and anyone else who cares to join.

I suggest, nothing too structured... we post a new card for each thread and anyone starts. Is that okay with you?

I am very new to this deck (like 1 day) and I am still working through the cards along with the book to understand Ed Buryn's take on the cards and to learn the Blake Mythological system, but I thought it would be useful, meanwhile, to get some of our own thoughts going on the cards.

Anyone else who would like to join? Your thoughts on the cards would be very welcome. :)


This is great Moonbow!! I didn't get too far in my studies before, but do feel like getting back into that deck so I am very happy that you are doing this and hope to get involved (I'm quite busy right now but will try to make time!!)

All the best,


Ruby :D great!

Yes, real life gets in the way doesn't it, but like you, I really want to get to know this deck. Let's see how we go. :)


Anyone interested in reviving this group? I just got the Blake and I don't know how I got along without it for so long. Even without reading about Blake's mythology, I find so much in this deck. In fact, not sure I want to cloud my intuition by studying Blake himself, just the cards.



I would join as well. I like the deck, but it mystifies me. Coming up to the Christmas break now of course, but I am very interested. One of the few decks I would genuinely like to go through as a study.


Me!!! :)

I got it about a month ago and I love it. The cards are wonderful and the book's great too. I've always loved Blake's poetry and art, and this deck is a brilliant synthesis of his creative vision. I think it's criminally under-rated.


I'm still interested in this too, although due to computer problems and Christmas my time on-line is currently limited.

But I will at least be reading everything and will join is as soon as possible. :)