To stay in the relationship or to leave


I used a nine card spread as from "What Tarot Can Do For you: Your Future in the Cards" by Barbara Moore, published by Llewellyn Publications 2004
I used the Radiant Rider-Wait Tarot deck


1: You

If you stay in the relationship
2: Your emotional needs
3: Your mental needs
4: Your physical needs
5: The possible outcome

If you leave the relationship
6: As in 2
7: As in 3
8: As in 4
9: As in 9

1: You
Four of pentacles
I'm holding my emotions in check. Not showing my true emotions. Fear of loss, but at the same time I have put my self in a position of no gain. Not letting my love and affection for this person to be expressed fully, if not at all

If I stay in the relationship

2: Your emotional needs
Four of Swords
To move from being anxious or tense to being tranquil and calm. I need to have some time by myself to heal from an upset or heartbreak from a previous relationship or situarion. As it turns out, don't have much choice in the matter!

3: Your mental needs
Page of pentacles
Early new beginning in a practical matter. I have planted a seed for someting which I need to work on for myself carefully in order for it to flourish. What this means that I have an idea which I need to practise in, which may take quite some time, but if I keep practising it then something viable will come of it which may bring me financial gain in the future

4: You physical needs
Sharing, compromise and co-operation in relationships. Successful, contented connection with this person

5: The possible outcome
The Star
Hope for the future. With this person I think that possibly I am capable or rising to the highest level of consiousness. This makes sense to me because since I have met this person or at least have had contact with him, I have started a period of transformation. A promising dawn of a new and better future/day. After darkness there is light and after despair there is the gift of hope

If I leave the Relationship

6: Your emotional needs
King of Wands
Adventure. To inspire others to get involoved with new ideas that I may dream up. Someone to come along who is warm and fiery which will generate changes and setting the scene for someting new

7: Your mental needs
Six of Swords
A need to move from difficult times towards more peaceful ones. To have some harmony. To be more relaxed and easy-going

8: Your physical needs
Eight of pentacles
To undertake study or training. To find something challendging which may be difficult but I will have much enjoyment and appreciation of it that I won't mind how challenging it is

9: The possible outcome
Three of Swords
Disappointment and sadness

To me, the answer is quite obvious that I should stay in the relationship. Any other opinions or interpretations would be appreciated.



Hello Rcb,

I think your interpretation is right on. The cards were very clearly saying you should stay in this relationship. Now is not the time to end it. You still have a lot to learn by giving it a chance. Since we've determined that, the most important cards are those on the left side telling you what you need from the relationship.

1) You- 4 of Pentacles: I feel you are withholding your emotions and also your trust from the relationship. You are very hesitant to give these things up and remain very guarded.

2) Emotional Needs- 4 of Swords: Another 4 further indicating a need for stability and trust in the relationship. I see this as an emotional need to relinquish your inner self to the other person. This is the exact opposite of your current guarded state. Keeping yourself guarded is tiring you out. This card is telling you to let down your guard and take a rest.

3) Mental Needs- Page of Pentacles: Another Pentacle; stability and trust, I see a theme here. I interpret this as being the other person in the relationship. He/She has a huge potential to teach you about learning to trust and find loving stabilty in a relationship. Don't write them off so quickly before they have the chance to teach you these lessons. You will find they will quickly grow from a Page into a King or Queen for you.

4) Temperance- a huge need for compromise and working it out
5) The Star- Definite hope and positive experiences await in the relationship

The other cards:
I think if you leave, it will be fun and exciting for a while (this desire is probably what is pulling you away), but ultimately you will feel heartbreak and probably repeat this guarded pattern over and over in other relationships.

Just my take on it, Hope this was helpful!



Hi, RcB

Well just looking over your cards...
I would suggest staying in this relationship because it looks very hopeful (The Star), and the outcome of leaving it would not be so great (3 of Swords), causing you a lot of heartbreak.
Right now, to me the 4 of Pentacles says that you are being cautious with this person...
It seems to me from the 4 of Swords that negative things have happened in this relationship to cause you to think about this relationship and whether you want to stay. Now is a time for you to rest your mind. But in the end it looks all the best... The cards also add up to (XI), Justice... which reduces to (II), The Magician. This could mean you can do either, that you have power to ifluence the situation so it can go your way.
King of Wands saids you need excitement in your life..
The immediate consequence of leaving this person would be heartbreak, but you would be able to go on to something new (6 of swords).
The easy way seems to be staying with this person, because there is still a lot of hope for the future :)

Lady Mary

This is off-Tarot:

I think you should ask yourself and give yourself an answer, why you're considering leaving the relationship? What's the reason behind?
From my personal experience I think it's never too good to make too many compromises. You must be able to be yourself in a relationship.

All the best,


This partly explains the situation. Another thing he said to me, that if there was going to be a living in situation between the 2 of us it will be a few years down the track. At the moment, I have to see him as much time as he can spare me, I don't seem to have much say in the matter. I do care for him a lot, but it is very, very frustrating, the situation!

Edited to include
Thanks for the input. I thought that I was right!! Thanks for the confirmation.
