Revelations Study - Nine of Pentacles


Here's the next card in the study: The Nine of Pentacles! :)

From the website (you can see the card here, so participate! :p):

She sits back in contentment and surveys her riches. All of nature grows well around her.

He sits back in contemplation. His struggles have weakened him. He surveys all that he has yet to achieve.


My addition to the study

What I found interesting about this card (as many cards in the Adflatus/Revelations deck) is the gender change.

The woman can symbolize a connection to the earth (the vines behind her). She is happy with her connection to the earth and has no need to overcome it. Earth/nature is considered a feminine quality. The bird, also, seems to emphasize this connection.

Masculine often symbolizes science, metal, or industry. The need to constantly overcome nature. The man is not happy with his place in the world. He is constantly trying to overcome his roots and his place in nature. This unbalances him and brings him unhappiness, despite everything he may achieve.


Love those ideas Jayde!

personally I see here as a glass half-empty/half-full. Our mindset and perspective reflects alot of what we attract to ourselves.
However, both say, pessimissism and optimism has its good and bad points in life.
Reversed can be being too harsh on the reality because they dont want to build up his hopes, doesnt want to get too dissappointed. But also we can be so positive that we can fail to see what needs to happen and change, idealism is great in its proper place. Upright she can be too happy at 9 and so never reach 10 , never reach to achieve.
Pentacles are good grounded cards, just I dont see where the upright here would let us take that step up, whilst say the RW I see as an evaluation before taking the leap to 10.
