Conflict Resolution Spread


This is the first spread I've created on my own, so I would greatly appreciate feedback/input. I know it's a little basic. I call it a Conflict Resolution Spread. I used it after awhile of having a little tension between myself and a family member. There is really no particular reason for the layout of the cards other then I like circular spreads, and I have found that they work well for me when doing a reading about a relationship.



1. This card represents the nature of the current situation/conflict.
2. What you want the outcome to be.
3. What others immediately involved in the conflict want the outcome to be.
4. What is a realistic resolution given the circumstances.
5. What action is needed on your part.

If anyone tried this spread, I would be interested to know the results!


This spread looks very interesting--I will try this one soon. I like the simplicity and directness of it. :)

autumn star

thanks for the spread

I like your spread MoonChild ... the simpleness of the spread is what attracts me to it ... it would get to the heart of the matter.

I will add it to my journal ... and try it the next time I have some conflict in my life, I can imagine that it will come in handy :)


Samantha, thanks for the great spread. I've got a conflict going on right now with my new roommates, I'll try it out tonight and tell you how it goes.