School year spread (for students, or teachers,or anyone in the school really)


I did spread for a friend recently, and she was one of my first readings for another person. Anywhoo, I did one for the school year, just to see how things would be for her...

...........................Dec. 5...........Jan. 6
..................Nov. 4...........................Feb. 7
...........Oct. 3.........................................Mar. 8
......Sep. 2...................................................Aprl. 9
Aug.1...............................................................May 10

Sorry It's so sloppy. Well, you get the point though right? One card for every school month. It could vary with different schools though, the ups and downs of the cards is for the hieghtened emotions when there are holidays. Well, it seemed good at the time, and she said that the cards would probably be accurate, because she was exspecting some drama around the holidays. Hope this is good for you guys!