a tarot deck for my grandmom


Congratulations on finding the right deck for grandmother!


As much as I am appalled by those learn tarot in 3 minutes type of book, I was given The 2-hour Tarot Tutor by Wilma Carroll ISBN 0-7499-2610-4, and was quite taken with it. It is a good thorough intuitive approach. If your Gran wants to be reading by September then, if she follows the book's instructions, she will indeed be reading by September. And good luck to her!

My Dad, who will soon be 85 introduced me to tarot in the '70's .. so I'm all for our elderlies getting into it. Moreover, she has a lifetime of wisdom to deepen anything she learns.

mythos :)


Oh that's wonderful that you have such a grandmother! The Hanson Roberts does indeed have Italian titles under it, though, they are in a small script so it may not be good for eyesight.


Go classic:

One RWS and one Marseille (one of the current ones....Hadar, Camoin, )

and suggest she look at same cards from each, meditate and journal....


I would have her start out with Marsilles or Rider-Waite. Maybe Golden Dawn.


I´d suggest you

The Visconti Tarot that is very beautiful and and also the Montegna, but I think the easiest one and the one with usually people start is Rider.
I hope this help you.


If there's still time...

I'd like to suggest the Golden Tarot..

Beautiful and golden, just like Gammy!


I was going to suggest the Morgan Greer - I'm sure you can get it in Italian. :D - nice big and bold cards with no borders and with RWS symbolism :)