How attractive am I?


Spread for Physical Attraction

This was a spread I made for a friend of mine who seemed to enjoy it and I thought it would be interesting to share it with the community.

Attraction spread:


1.) Interior Qualities - What you think of yourself as a person
2.) Interior Image - What you think of your physical image
3.) Exterior Qualities - What others may think of you as a person
4.) Exterior Image - What others may think of your physical image
5.) Attractiveness – Your overall appearance and how attractive you are to others
6.) Future Confidence – How this will affect your self-image in the future
7.) Future Relationships – How this will affect your future relationships
8.) Advice/Improvements – Things to keep in mind and how to improve attractiveness

This can also be used to find out whether specific people find you attractive.

Edit to add: It could even be used to find other people's attractiveness whom you havn't met, such as over the net.

Hope you enjoy this.


This spread has some good ideas, I really do like it... but one thing shouts out at me.. what is it that really makes a person attracted to another or attractive?
Is it physical or what comes from within? What will last and what is transcient?

Lady Mary

Hi WalesWoman,
A couple of months ago I read an article that said that a major reason why we're attracted to a specific man/woman is the scent.
In the German language we even have the saying: Jemanden gut "riechen" koennen - literal translation would be "to like someone's smell".


I think this spread looks like fun, keeping in mind that this will reflect on initial first impression and perhaps less on the deeper relationship aspect... :D

But also, this could be used to explore the way we are percieved by others, consequently addressing issues of self confidence, superficial as that may be, it's still quite a big part of how we feeling about ourselves. In cases where we feel inadequate perhaps this can shed some light on the issues of self image that we need to work on...after all, feeling good about ourselves reflects on our general attractiveness and some times meditating on the internal issues can be quite helpful in achieving that.

Thanks for sharing this! :)


PS: beware of biased readings, especially when reading for yourself

autumn star

this is a very original spread ... :)

I can imagine that it could come in useful, for people with body image problems ... and how this affects their lives.


WalesWoman said:
This spread has some good ideas, I really do like it... but one thing shouts out at me.. what is it that really makes a person attracted to another or attractive?
Is it physical or what comes from within? What will last and what is transcient?

Well said, WW. I think that the most attractive people in our society are those with the most self-confidence. I can see some very useful things in this spread, but I would also have to change questions for my own peace of mind.

Inner beauty is far more attractive to me than outer trappings.


Wow sinner!

hey, this is a great idea! i am going to use it right away and will keep you posted on the reading and results!!!! thanks for such an innovative spread!



hey this spread really looks interesting... i'll definately try it out tonight and post the results tomorrow.. its a very different and a creative idea..


thanks, I'm glad you like it

I'd be interested in the results you get