Ciceros' Golden Dawn Question


This may be a dumb question, but you are definitely the ones to ask!! Is the

New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot, by Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero

the same as the

Golden Dawn Magical Tarot, by Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero

? As in an older version? Thanks for any and all answers!


Yes, they are the same decks. The Ritual one is the older name. Here is a link at Tarotgarden that shows a Romanian version, too:

I was compelled to buy the Golden Dawn Magical Tarot when I saw it on a site that compared cards from different Golden Dawn decks. :)


Yes! I agree.

Same deck, different name.


what was the reason for the change of name ? ( it puzzles me always when thing change their name) as far as i know there where no changes made to the deck itself (so not a new and improved version)


Thanks very much for the info. Yes, it seems like better art than the Wang or DuQuette's. I put a LOW bid on it on eBay! Hey, but I don't have a Romanian one, hmmm . . .

Maybe they thought "ritual" was too limiting. Like people seeing the name would say, "oh, I don't want that because I'm not going to be doing any rituals." Whereas, "magical," well, lots of people are interested in the magical! Just assuming, of course . . .


Your idea about changing the word to magical makes sense to me. I had to go look at ebay since you mentioned it. I guess the packaging and the title both changed at the same time. I don't have a LWB. Instead, I have a small, black paperback book that slides into a box next to the box of cards. I saw one ritual tarot that is being sold with a nice big paperback book and one ritual tarot that just has a LWB.

I don't know if the paperbacks are different on the inside. Maybe the small one is a condensed version. Does anyone know?