Golden Tarot of Renaissance


I am wondering how this deck works for reading with. Has anyone been using it regularly for reading? I know that it doesn't use the RWS symbolism and that is fine as long as the symbolism used is useful and intelligible. Is there any strange or bizarre imagery?




Erased due to misreading of thread. Sorry!


Thanks, Marion.

It is interesting to see what people were saying about it back then... I always wonder how people get on with these decks a year or so later though.



Absolutely, those were just for reference and because I have not seen it discussed lately.

The deck is lovely and for folks like Cerulean with the background, fascinating. I would dearly have loved to have had a book with the deck. Lack of understanding of the significance of the images really has made it a collection-only deck for me.


Marion said:
I would dearly have loved to have had a book with the deck. Lack of understanding of the significance of the images really has made it a collection-only deck for me.

I agree, but I found a lovely book that is part of a set of four on Italian Frescoes. This book has some information and pictures on the Hall of the Months in Ferrara so I am hoping it helps. I've got some online reference I use for pictures but it doesn't explain too much about the symbolism either.

"Italian Frescoes: The Early Renaissance" by Steffi Roettgen is the book I ordered and it's expensive but I love frescoes and ordered the one on Giotto in this series that just came out. I directly attribute my interest to Lo Scarabeo!

The web sites I use are:
Links at the bottom of the page to other months.

They don't have all the months--think some of them have deteriorated badly, but I'm hoping to get more details and write-up in the book when I get it in December.

Mari knows more about these than I, but I am hoping to catch up with her one day--they are VERY interesting.