Stones for me?


I want to get some stones which can aid me in school to concentrate, do well in my exams and also helps in friendships. I have seen some similar threads on this too. I reallly wants to find some stones which could suit my needs. I have problem in memorising and concentrating in my work though my results are good , I seem to be lazy in my works nowadays. I usually to panic and depressions especially in exam period. Friendship is a big problem for me, everyone in class hates me, no one talks to me or a willing to sit next to me during class, it seems that i'm down with diseases or a disgusting person that everyone avoid me. I'm a loner in school and i'm getting sick of it. any stones that could help me?


Stones that have calming and grounding properties would probably be useful to you.

That means any of the agates, and blue lace agate comes to mind. It cools and clams, helps expression (if you have a hard time with public speaking or making yourself clearly understood to others), and eases mental stress.

Here's a pic:

Calcite stimulates the memory.

Hematite is a very good grounding stone - useful at the end of a long stressful day.

Those are just a few.


Hello wisteria,

I'm sorry to hear you are so down & feel lethargic. I'm sure you are not a horrid person who smells: but sometimes, when we are unhappy, other people avoid us, because they fear this unhappiness.

As for stones, my all-time favourite to bring vitality, creativity, concentration, happiness & good communications is citrine. It has both soothing & energising properties & helps you see things more clearly. I wear a citrine pendant when I need to work & be creative, or when I feel lethargic or depressed. It really gives you a lift!

However, stones alone will not lift you if you are really depressed. I would consider seeking medical help (from a natural, Chinese or Western doctor).


Citrine is the stone that jumped out at me as well. I love it for concentration and feeling less lethargic.

For feeling calmer, and better able to deal with people, I've found amethyst and lapis to be very helpful.

I've used garnet pretty successfully on days when I'm so tired I feel like I need a constant caffine fix.

Jade as worked great for me to aid in studying and staying calm around deadlines and exams.

Overall, though, citrine works wonderfully. It's one of my favorite stones. I highly reccomend it.


When I studied, a turquoise necklace;stones all around,helped me.Amber is good for cocentration too,but I´ve never tried it.
You might start to feel a depression now.I could be wrong,but it sound like it.I have experienced it myself,and in that case,you should visit a doctor too.I´m sorry if I sound like a busy-body,but depression is so usual now,with all the stress around.If you find you can´t consentrate,or your grades drop,etc.,please be not afraid to seek medical help as well.


rose quartze is a stone that promtes calmness and slef love and worth.

Try a rose quartze pendant. But also see your GP


what is GP?



Rose quartz is a good stone.. this wud help building compassionate relationships amongst your peers.. also i feel you shud wear an amethyst bracelet.. this shud help avoid all the negativities around you and also coming towards you!!!... or just carry a few tumbles of these in ur pocket!!
bless u


GP = General Practitioner. Your family doctor.


Snowflake Obsidian. I find it works for things like this. And jade is good too.

I know that going to a doctor is probably rather daunting, I've had depression for the past two years and I have only told one person about it, and certainly not my parents, but yeah. Maybe you should read up and find out some ways to get over it.
Eat lots of chocolate. That's all I can say. And talk about it with someone.

Feel better soon. Maybe you should try and let the people around you who don't appreciate you see the best in you, try expressing yourself more as the person you really are.