Relationships: How to be the better lover Spread


Okay, I just created this. It is so new that I haven't even given myself a tarot reading on it yet.

This spread is for three different types of people:
1. If you are competing with someone else for a love one
2. If your current love one just got out of a relationship with their ex- but they still have feelings for them and is possibly considering returning back to them.
3. If your current love one wants to leave their partner because they are sort of interested in you, but they are too afraid or lazy to leave them.

This spread is suppose to give you an EDGE on making you seem better in your (potential) lover's eyes so you can hopefully take his/her mind off the other person you want them to stop seeing or have feelings for.

Tell me how this spread worked for you?

[spread] Note: Questions 1-2 and 5-6 is from your beloved's point of view. Not yours or your competitor's!

1. Why does your beloved like you better than your competitor?

2. Why does your beloved like your competitor over you?

3. What makes you have an advantage over your competitor?

4. What makes your competitor have an advantage over you?

5. What is your strenghts to make your beloved more attracted to you? Strenghts that you should increase for your beloved and make them take notice!

6. What is your competitor's weakness? Weakness that you should point out to your beloved, so your strenghts will seem greater to him/her! (Evil plot, I know. *LOL*)

7. What is your weakness that you should avoid doing around your beloved? So you can seem too perfect and wonderful to him/her!

8. What is your competitor doing NOW in order to get your beloved's attention and to win his/her affection?

9. What should you be doing NOW to increase your chances of winning your beloved's attention and affection over your competitor?

10. What advice can be given to you to keep you from feeling discourage for winning your beloved's affection?

11. What stage in the relationship are you in with your beloved where he/she prefers you more than your competitor?

If you start a study group for this spread inorder to exchange readings, post the URL in this spread.

earth mama

Am going to try this out right now. Will PM you with the results to let you know how it turns out.


Okay I tried my own spread. It was very interesting. It sort of give you hope in find what you CAN DO instead of telling you what is happening without advice to how to improve your relationship and what you should do next to win your beloved over.

This spread is more encouraging than gloom and doom of most spreads that make you think that you have accept the situation.


I saw the link to this spread in a new thread. I gave it a try. I was amazed with the accuracy. I did it for a friendship that I would like it to be more but his on-again/off-again gf is sort of still in the background.