Map Spread - mapping what's going on for a person/finding lost things and more (?)...


I created this spread a few months ago for a friend - and found it very accurate. It can be used as we did, learning what is going on for the person in different locations, at a specific period of time, like work, school, a friends house, a relatives house, at home and so on.
It may probably also be used for knowing in what directions you should look for different things - love, money, success, failure and so on. - You may be surprised! (Did you know your neighbour has a crush on you? - )

I suppose it could be used for finding lost items, or thieves for the matter. I just saw someone asking for such a spread, but I wouldn't bet my head on it, nor would I recommend it. We'd better stay real and not go for any witch hunts!!! Our interpretations of the cards could be wrong, you know, or insufficient, or coloured by our emotions or prejudice, so I'd ask you to stay modest. - Want to find a thief? - Go to the police. That's t-h-e-i-r job!
The same goes for those of you who ask for health related spreads. My advice: Go to a doctor/diestist.
As for Career questions - get your self a solid education/skill - then get some good Soldid Documented Results with which you can advertise yourself, proudly and truthfully, and so you can get the job you want, anywhere! The second half of the secret to make a career is: Keep smiling! In this way strangers will not notice you made a mistake - and maybe your boss won't notice it either (at least until you have had time to fix it: - )

Here is the Map Spread, alternative one, using all the 78 cards mixed together:

Put 12 cards in a clock spread in front of you. No explanation needed.
Each position stands for a different place/geographic direction:
The 12 o'clock card shows what is in front of you, the 3 c'clock card shows what is to the right of you, the 6 o'clock card shows what is behind you and the 9 o'clock card shows what is to your left. Geographically, that is!
Let the querent identify places that are important to him in each direction, so that each position in the spread stands for a specific location. (It may be that the cards shown in a position will make you have to reevaluate which exact place it is, but the direction should anyway be the same.)

The Map Spread I use, alternative two, is perfectly the same as above, except for this: There are three cards in each position. And I mix the cards like this:

First mix the Minor Arcana cards plus Court Cards together and keep them in a pile.
Mix the Major Arcana cards alone and keep them in a separate pile.

a. First put out 12 cards from the Minor Arcana+Court Cards in a clock spread. (Make sure you make place for three cards beside each other in each position!) Identify the places as described above.
These first 12 cards are to show what the Querent wants/wishes from this place or direction. Of course these cards show more changeable and fluctuant influences.

b. Now, put 12 cards from the Major Arcana right beside the first card in each position. This second card will show what the Querent can realistically expect to get/the situation/circumstances in this place/direction. I use the Major Arcana cards for this as they show influences that are less changeable or fluctuating.

c. Last, put 12 cards from the Minor Arcana+Court Cards right beside the second card in each position. This last card shows the best attitude the Querent can take on, or the best action he can do, to reach his goal.

Turn over the three cards in position 1 and read: a. querent's wishes - b. possibilities/situation/circumstances - c. what to do to get the desired outcome in each of the identified places/geographic directions. Do this for every position, 1, 2, 3 - 12.

It may be that you'll have to reidentify the specific places, when the cards are shown, but, as said, the direction should be the same. Perhaps you just have to look closer or farther away in that direction to find what you seek!

I have found the Map Spread, alternative 2, very accurate. I'll be happy to hear your experiences with it! It's very useful to have a look at the elements of the three cards in each position too! Which elements - earth, water, air and fire - are dominating/missing and how do they react together? Do they help, affirm and strengthen each other, or do they devour, oppose, minimize or weaken each other? In this way, you may find places with great support and possibilities for cooperation and growth - as well as places with discord, that you should definitely avoid...

And again, the spread is very logic and you'll learn it in no time. The spread is also very quickly done, actually. Draw the positions of the spread as rectangles on a paper and write in each rectangle (position) the cards of your reading! THEN YOU CAN BEGIN/CONTINUE THE READING/INTERPRETATION AT ANY SPARE TIME THAT YOU HAVE!

Have a nice reading and an even better day!!!
Best wishes!!!

Helene Ibrahim


Where to find love? spread

This spread tells you where to look for love (luck/work/success etc). Should you go to that party in the neighbour town or stay at home to find your next love?
Beleive it or not, this spread has been VERY accurate for those friends I have done it!
Maybe it works for you too! Let me know what you find, when you have tried it!
I assume I should rename this spread, as relationship spreads are the (most) asked for, but Map Spread says exactly what it is: W-h-a-t you will find and W-h-e-r-e: - ) Perhaps you should start looking!

Good luck,

Helene Ibrahim