Family Hope





1. Foundation of the Family -- what holds it together, important values, &c
2. Influences in the past: who or what they involved.

3. General overview of the present.
4. Who do you look up to or get along with the most in your family?
5. Who do you have the most problems with in your family?
6. How do you feel about your family, generally?
7. What do other people think about your family, generally?
8. Issues in the present: who or what they involve.
9. What are your hopes and fears in concerns to your family? *
10. What are your family's hopes and fears as a whole? *

11. Influences affecting the future: who or what they involve.
12. Issues in the future: who or what they involve.
13. Immediate future: where your family's path is headed right now.
14. What can you do to change or encourage this direction? *
15. Something for you family to look forward to. '
16. General overview in three months.

17. What can you do to restore or retain harmony in your family?

[size="-2"]* Read both reversed or ill-dignified with upright or dignified position.[/size]

- V.


Hi Vernisage

I thought I would try out your family spread and the first card I turned up was 'Death'. hmmmm bummer.

The number 3 was The Stars so at least that felt a bit better. But the number 17 was 6 wands. How would you read that card in that position?

Thank you this was a very interesting spread.


I'll send you a PM and we can talk about it there, because I do believe we're not allowed to discuss interpretations or whatnot here. :)

Thanks for trying it!

- V.


Hello folks

It's ok to discuss individual cards if they pertain to specific positions in the spread, and clarity is needed in order to work the spread. Help with understanding how to use the spread is fine but reading the cards for another person is in effect giving a reading and so is not permitted in this forum.

Full readings must not be posted for interpretation as the Your Readings forum this the appropriate place.