Life Cards According to Tarotbear


I strongly believe the best reason for consulting the Tarot is to gain the information you need. I often find while consulting the cards that it is we ourselves who stand in the way of achievement of our needs and wants. Tarot invariably points to the path of spiritual growth and understanding and one of the ways to achieve this is in discovering your Life cards called your soul, personality and shadow cards. At any given moment we reflect an image found in the Tarot. Your Life cards reflect you for this lifetime. These cards are found by combining a bit of numerology with the Tarot. You take your birth date and numerologically reduce it to a single digit. Your Soul card is the corresponding card from the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

If while reducing, you get the number 9 or less, that number represents your soul card, and your soul and personality cards are the same. Your shadow card is the card whose number numerologically reduces to the number of your soul card. If your number is 10 or higher, add the two numbers together; thus - if you reduce to 22, then add 2 + 2 = 4. The exception to this is if you reduce to 1, 2, or 3 - it produces three cards, one each for your Soul, Personality, and Shadow cards. (See chart) This is because numerology is based on numbers and remains constant, whereas The Major Arcana only has a limited 21 cards.

For example, my birth date is May 12, 1955. Adding the digits together 5+1+2+1+9+5+5 = 28, 2 + 8 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1, so my soul card is the Magician. If you wish to check your math, add your birth date up again this way:

1972 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 19; 1 + 9 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1

Once you've identified your soul, personality and shadow cards begin your studies there. Many seekers find that study of their soul, personality and shadow cards provides them with invaluable information about themselves. Looking through the chart, you may ask yourself: "Does that mean that the soul one represents your soul's hopes, desires, goals, and dreams, whereas the personality one refers to how you appear to the world? The Shadow card sounds negative. How do positive cards (such as The Star, for instance) play out as the shadow card?"

One could say your soul card represents those qualities you should aspire to. As for the shadow card - this represents those qualities we'd most like to ignore - the bits we don't like about ourselves. For example - the Star as shadow would indicate a tendency to ignore unconscious signals and to refuse to see the bright side. Basically, if you think in terms of the reversed card meanings for you shadow, you won’t go too far wrong.

If your birth number is 1, your soul card is 1- The Magician, your personality card is 10 - The Wheel of Fortune and your shadow card is 19 - The Sun.

-- Based on my personal life experience - I have the Soul of a Magician, which means I can make it work, with a little planning, a little manipulation, and a lot of determination. My personality is the Wheel; although the Wheel does spin and chance sometimes does not fall the way we wish it would. Being a Magician, I should be able to deal with the problems as long as I do not seek to control every situation. The Sun as my Shadow- well, not everything will be pleasant. As a Shadow it says that you should look for the 'silver lining' even during a downpour - which the Wheel can easily bring you. However, being the Magician I should be able to make the situation work, adapt to the changes, and deal with the shadow parts of myself. --

If your birth number is 2, your soul card is 2 - The High Priestess, your personality card is 11 -Justice (or Strength) and your shadow card is 20 - Judgement.

You have the Soul of a High Priestess that indicates your intuitive processes influence everything your do, even unconsciously. You know what people have done before they tell you. This compliments your Personality where you seek justice, looking for fairness in everything you do, and in how you deal with the world. The Judgement card as your Shadow, however, cautions you to be careful and not to misuse your abilities or to miscalculate since your intuition can rush you to prejudgment if left unchecked.

If your birth number is 3, your soul card is 3 - The Empress, your personality card is 12 - The Hanged Man and your shadow card is 21 - The World.

As the Empress, you are the very essence of the Earth Mother- wishing the best and giving the best to everyone since your are very outgoing in nature. Your personality of the Hanged Man is a further extension of the Empress since you will go to great lengths to find the 'little bit of good' in everyone, even turning your life or beliefs upside down to accommodate them. The World shadowing you, though, is a reminder that people will disappoint you from time to time; accept their faults and do not let them take advantage of you. Everything is a cycle and your caring nature can start all over again.

If your birth number is 4, your soul and personality card is 4 - The Emperor, your shadow card is 13 - Death.

You have the Personality and Soul of an Emperor, meaning that you tend to look for the best and strongest to help you in caring for 'the good of the whole.' You tend to be disciplined, grounded, and practical. However, you are shadowed by the Death card that brings changes, some of which may be used as opportunities for growth and development. You should not be blind to the fact that change is good and development is an ongoing process. The Rock Mountain that you are will be eroded by time, so plan for the future while maintaining the present. What you build may be lasting, but it cannot be eternal.

If your birth number is 5, your soul and personality card is 5 - The Hierophant, your shadow card is 14 - Temperance.

As the Hierophant, your soul strives to maintain what already exists, and your personality seeks to help others but is usually conservative in nature and response. Sometimes this behavior makes you anxious because you see the need for expansion, but do not want to take risks. The Temperance shadow kicks you off your throne and tells you to be more original instead of predictable, become more active and try to develop a sense of adventure because you need to balance your restrictive behaviors. The key to your development will be to accept small changes as being helpful instead of intrusive.

If your birth number is 6, your soul and personality card is 6 - The Lovers, your shadow card 15 - The Devil.

Your Lovers Soul says that you surround yourself with harmony, have passionate ideals, enjoy the equilibrium that sharing brings your life, and that your bring into your life introspective understanding of what makes things 'tick.' Your devotion to others is probably the first thing that people notice about you. However, the Devil card, a card of excesses and abuses, shadows you. You are being warned to be careful of those that will seek to take advantage of your good nature, those who can twist it to manipulate you to their ends. It also warns you not to meddle in the affairs of others under the guise of 'helping' them. Everyone needs to find their own balance, so enjoy your friends and hobbies, but do not use love to try to control others.

If your birth number is 7, your soul and personality card is 7 - The Chariot, your shadow card 16 - The Tower.

You are passionate, responding to the rhythms of life, jumping in with both feet. You maintain a balance between the intellectual, mystical, and philosophical, cramming more activity into a span of time that can confuse and confound those around you. At times you contradict yourself, embracing both ends of the spectrum but not the center. Those who can keep up with you know that life with you will never be complacent or boring. You are shadowed by the Tower, which means you can become moody or even pessimistic because you can tend to discard those who cannot maintain your speed or cannot work on the same level as you. Your shadow tells you to listen to and even obey the wishes of others, for they have lessons for you to learn, also. Learn to cooperate with others more often instead of running off to 'do things your way.'

If your birth number is 8, your soul and personality card is 8 - Strength (or Justice), your, shadow card 17 - The Star.

You are a pillar of Strength for those seeking strength. You are always in control of yourself, have an air of justice about you, and are not unsettled by events that may attempt to chip away at your determined facade. You understand that a few setbacks may be necessary to gain a foothold, but your vary capable hands are guided by your very capable intellect. The Star, however warns you against aggression blinding you into believing that Strength will conquer all and that it makes you zealous, develop militant beliefs, or brings you to greed or a materialistic outlook. Authority should be balanced with limitation.

If your birth number is 9, your soul and personality card is 9 - The Hermit, your shadow card 18 - The Moon.

Your universal awareness coupled with selflessness and courage show you to be a great humanitarian. You have sought the answers in an attempt to find purpose in your life, and you seek to teach others to help them understand the enjoyment of nature, a silent meditation, or the beauty of a long walk in the woods. Solitude is everything to you, so you tend to limit your interaction with others to short, although intense moments in time. The shadow of the Moon crosses your path to remind you that everything is a cycle, and must cycle to move forward. You must balance your need for deep thoughts with human interaction, sharing what you have learned with others; in that way both of you can continue to grow.


Thank you for this, tarotbear...yes, you are, indeed, a MAGICIAN to put this all together in an understandable form.


tarotbear said:
If your birth number is 3, your soul card is 3 - The Empress, your personality card is 12 - The Hanged Man and your shadow card is 21 - The World.
My beloved's birthdate adds up to 21, so it's the reverse, no? - Soul card 3 (as above), Personality 21, Shadow 12. That is how I understand it. How would that change your description?


Helvetica said:
My beloved's birthdate adds up to 21, so it's the reverse, no? - Soul card 3 (as above), Personality 21, Shadow 12. That is how I understand it. How would that change your description?

mine does too, I was wondering the same thing.


Astrid O said:
mine does too, I was wondering the same thing.
Hey, I knew there was a reason why I liked you :D (or him!)


tarotbear said:
If your birth number is 6, your soul and personality card is 6 - The Lovers, your shadow card 15 - The Devil.

Your Lovers Soul says that you surround yourself with harmony, have passionate ideals, enjoy the equilibrium that sharing brings your life, and that your bring into your life introspective understanding of what makes things 'tick.' Your devotion to others is probably the first thing that people notice about you. However, the Devil card, a card of excesses and abuses, shadows you. You are being warned to be careful of those that will seek to take advantage of your good nature, those who can twist it to manipulate you to their ends. It also warns you not to meddle in the affairs of others under the guise of 'helping' them. Everyone needs to find their own balance, so enjoy your friends and hobbies, but do not use love to try to control others.


thank you for this tarot bear!!this is something i was looking and my bf have the same cards...lovers and devil...wondering what it could mean..having the same cards...any special meaning!!


Tarotbear, just wanted to thank you for this thread, as i found your insights re: card attributes useful, given that i'm still in the process of researching & refining my "card meanings".

Not to mention that your system re: life cards is a total bonus!



Helvetica and Astrid O ~

If your number is 10 or higher, add the two numbers together; thus - if you reduce to 22, then add 2 + 2 = 4.

If the total adds up to 21 you still add 2 + 1 = 3, so they are a 3. Your Life card should not add up to anything higher than 9.

However, if you see it that way - go right ahead!


In another sytem in 'Tarot In Ten Minutes' by R T Kaser, he keeps 1 and 10 whereas I stop at 9 and reduce 10. Whether you are a 1 or a 10 the same three cards (1, 10, 19) still show up.

It's kind of like being on the 'cusp' - you are technically one sign but you still have attributes of the next sign in your personality.


Thanks TB - I do reduce it to 3, but because the "origin" of the three was 21 (and not 12), I count 21 as personality, and 12 as shadow.


As I say - whatever works for you! No one is wrong or right in cases like this - it only becomes more interesting! As I said before - in my postulations your Life card cannot be larger than 9 - but that is not to say there aren't many systems that use the full Major Arcana the way we do in Year cards.

I love numbers ...... :love: