Dream help please


I dreamt the other night I was pulling hair out of my throat- like I had gotten a hair in my mouth and tried to pull it out and more and more just kept coming. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling, I was just glad it was coming out. Any ideas because I'm totally stuck...



Hmm I'll take a swing at this and see what others that follow have to say.

Hair represents your personal power and the Throat 5th chakra your Will. Has something been blocking it, perhaps feelings you can't express.

Have you been holding something back that has become an effort a burden? Is there something you need to get rid of that you have been accumulating?

Do you have a secret of some sort you need to express or cough up?

Sorry for all the question, hopefully one of them triggers an emotion or idea for you.



I agree, the throat chakra is definitely about expression and the dream indicates a blockage. What does hair represent to you personally? A good sign is that you were able to clear it or at least start the process of clearing.


Omg , FG- all I can think of is cats and hairballs !!! :confused: Sorry.. hope you figure it out .


LOL, DI, I thought the same thing when I woke up! But as i don't actually have a cat i don't think it was a sympathy dream. :D

Thank you sapienza and tink, you've given me more to work on than I orignially had and what you say makes sense.

As for what hair means to me personally, I love my long hair, but I hate how much of it I have to unclog from my shower drain, :D. I'm not sure what the real answer is, so I'll have a good think about it.


When I have those kind of dreams it means I am just plain sick with whatever. A sore throat after or a cold. Something is going on in that area of your body


OK, so you love your long hair but hate the mess it makes in the drain. Interesting that in both the drain situation and the dream you need to pull the hair out. But maybe its to do with self expression but there is something about a thing you love but that causes you trouble.

The possible meanings are endless aren't they, but you'll work it out. Good luck

psychic sue

I think this relates to the throat chakra - there is something you want or need to say but you feel you can't do so at the moment. That's my first impression anyway, without reading other people's thoughts.

Sue x


I dreamt about pulling hair out of my throat again last night but this time I felt (in the dream) that I knew what it was about. Probably because of your replies to this question. In the dream i knew i had to "clear my throat" in order to say something clearly. The strange thing is that i don't really feel as if I have anything that needs to be said...

Also I just found out that apparently theres an "inferior conjunction" this weekend of the Sun, Mercury and Earth (where the 3 line up). Its supposed to mean clear communications. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Though I wonder what it is that i'm not able to say.

Thanks for the answers. :)



Wow, when the dream is recurring then you definitely need to listen to the message. As far as wondering what you have to say, it might not necessarily be something you have to 'say'. The throat chakra does represent speech but also expression in general. Are there emotions you are holding in? Are you a creative person? If so, have you done much to express this lately, or have you been too busy? Is what you do in life, eg your job, something you enjoy, does is let you be your 'true self' or do you need to 'hold back' a part of yourself? Do you feel stifled, trapped, frustrated in any area? These are just all examples and may be meaningless for you but maybe they might trigger something for you.