The Fall of Man spread


This spread occurred to me while I was doing some research online. The spread consist of three cards, laid out however you wish.

1) My Initial State (before the event)
2) What I Did (the event itself)
3) The Result (new situation)

The source for this spread is the Christian version of the story of the Fall of Man, wherein Adam and Eve are removed from the Garden of Eden because they ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

I know almost nothing about the bible, but what strikes me about this story are its ambiguities. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and were punished.

But for those of us who prefer to read the story and as allegory, the knowledge of good and evil then becomes a productive loss of innocence that nonetheless comes at price. Could we really have stayed innocent forever? Isn’t the knowledge of the world a useful and necessary thing? I was interested to read that some sects view the Fall of Man as either neutral (Pelagianism, named after the 4th/5th century monk Pelagius) or even positive (Mormonism, which refers to the event as Felix Culpa: the fortunate fall).

The spread is best used when one has done something that is perceived as being “bad,” and one would like to explore the issue in a wider context.

Say for example one has a serious argument with one’s partner. Most people would see that as bad thing. But if things were said that needed to be said and wouldn’t have been said otherwise, then the argument could ultimately have a positive effect. Things are rarely black and white.

I hope this spread allows you to find the good in the bad, and achieve a balanced view of an emotional event.



this is a great spread! I'm in the middle of a situation that could use a spread like this one, thanks a lot.

However, I have a question: the "result" card stands for something that has already happened or for a future event?


Thanks for your question Lain_82!

The "Initial State" is how things were before, "What I Did" is a recent (past) event of some importance, and "The Result" is what will likely come to pass after things settle down and even out. You might be able to see hints of it now, or it could be too far away to see with any clarity.

In my argument example, "The Result" would be the new equilibrium that comes after all the issues have been discussed and dealt with, one way or the other.