faery wicca ogham meanings


On the helper cards there are ogham staves.

Does anyone have any input on the meanings for these?


Lots of stuff here...

I'm glad you brought this up: I'm studying Ogham now, and it's a good time to look at my Faery Wicca deck again.

The prince/knight of Cups: Ivy. This ogham represents tenacity and the ability to get things done, despite that which lies in the way.

Queen of Cups: Oak. This relates to indurance, duration, nobility, and a well-chosen occupation. I don't see how it relates to the Q/C's but, whatever.

Prince of Pentacles: Willow. This ogham relates to intuition, feminine spirituality, the tides, ebb & flow, psychic activity, and magick. It also relates to emotions and deep feelings. Once again, don't see the connections.

Queen of Pentacles: (1) The one on her left-hand side is Birch. This is the first Ogham few. It represents birth, a coming change, renewal, and re-birth. (2) the other is the Yew. This is the last ogham few (isn't that interesting? The first and the last). It represents death, an ending, the passage into something new. I can see the connection with Birch especially.

Queen of Swords: The ones at the bottom left-hand corner are Elder and Vine. The Former relates to regret, rue, and the feeling of guilt. The latter represents Harvest and the celebrations that follow the harvest: enjoying the fruits of ones labors.

Princess of Pentacles: The one on the tree is Willow. See Prince of Pentacles. The ones on her dress are: Rowan (protection, magickal protective talismens, sanctuary), Birch (see Q/P's), and Pine (elation, great emotions--good and bad--the let-down after feeling lots of emotion, excitement). Lots of stuff in this one.

King of Swords: The one on the base of his thrown is Hawthorn. It represents obsticles and opposition. Sorry, not gonna do all of um on this card :=)

King/Pentacles: Hazel. Represents enlightenment and great knowledge.

Prince of Wands: The one on the left horse is Holly. It represents challenges and opponents. Hence all the heads!

Princess of Swords: Rowan. Already covered.

King of Wands: Broom. Cleansing. Sweeping out the old.

Prince of Swords: Rowan. Covered.

Queen of wands: Base of chair: Alder: Guidance, wisdom from an elder, good council, etc.

King of Cups: Alder. See Q/W above.

Princess of Wands: Holly (covered), Hazel (covered), Heather (the Lovers, Consummation, partnership, courtship).

Princess of Cups: Broom (covered), Aspen/Poplar (facing ones fears, spiritedness, allying oneself with fears).

Wow, that was a lot! Hope it helped. Good review for me.




faeriestorm...........you are a star!
