Good Vibrations


In another thread that discusses the pros and cons of letting others handle your tarot cards (or not) there are several that explain that they don't let others handle their cards because, essentially, energy or vibrations can pollute the deck.

I don't mean to pick on any one person, but Fatima's post caught my attention because of the question asked:

Fatima said:
<snip> I even wonder what interest people who cannot understand the notion of vibration can find in reading tarot cards <snip>

Well, as one that doesn't necessarily buy "the notion of vibration" (which is different than not understanding it) I'd like to take a moment to explain my position on tarot- how it works, how it doesn't work, and why a belief in the interaction between energies and cards isn't necessary to get something out of tarot cards.

Truth be known, I'm on the fence about this issue. I'm leaning on the "anti-vibration" side of the fence, but before this is interpreted as an attack on the beliefs of anyone else- know that I'm kinda-sorta partially with Fatima (and others) on this issue in some ways. (Don't you love the conviction in my previous statement?) For now, I'll play devil's advocate, and give the counter arguement to the "pro-vibes" crowd:

In his book, "The Hero With a Thousand Faces", Joseph Campbell claims that all myths- from every culture- tell different versions of the same story. He further states that there are a limited number of story threads, and that every myth uses variations of these story threads to make up their culturally specialized version of the story. I don't believe that Campbell was the first to make this arguement (I believe that Jung preceeded him in this matter) but Campbell was perhaps the first to break down several myths from several different culures and explain how they fit into this theory......

Oh- and the key to Campbell's theory is this: that every myth speaks to a universal truth about what it is to be a human. People who do not have a background of belief in a myth (from whatever tradition) will have their own versions of the *very same myths* play out for them when facing a personal crisis- These personal myths will play out in the form of dreams or delusions- but they will just as easily fit into the same story of the "hero with a thousand faces" as myths from any culture will.

So basically, it could be said that the major elements of these myths- archetypes- each speak to very real *needs* that humans cannot meet by logic alone. These archetypes are universal. Even if they are cloaked in a foreign tradition, one can strip them down to their core meaning, and the archetype will speak to you. Now obviously, you know where I'm going: the tarot cards (especially the trumps & courts) represent archetypes. In decks where the pips can't or don't represent archetypes, it could be said that they modify the archetype cards.

I really don't think that anyone here would make the arguement that tarot cards do not speak universally- But what does this have to do with vibes? How could anyone (especially someone going by the moniker "thinbuddha") argue that vibes aren't a necessary part of the tarot experience? Isn't it *necessary* for the cards to be selected in a special way- with vibes or spirits or energy somehow influencing the card selection for a reading to be meaningful? It MUST be, right?

Uh.... not necessarily:

I would arue that *perhaps* that might be the case if you are trying to PREDICT a future path. Or if you are trying to determine something that would be impossible to know without some sort of psychic element comming into play. But what if you don't address such questions to the tarot? What if you use the tarot (when you apply it to the real world) as a tool to explore your own thoughts about a given issue? What if you use tarot as a objective friend- whom you discuss situations with, and you then process what the friend "says" about the situation?

Let me explain with an example- Lets say I am having a personal conflict at work. It has me hot under the collar, and I can barely think straight. How could (X) be such an unreasonable jerk? So the situation has me angry enough that all I can see are shadows and back-stabbing as the reason for the way that (X) is acting. But when I consult the tarot, I can explore- what is it that (X) is doing- why is he doing this? The tarot presents a *possible* answer. A rather non-specific open-ended answer at that. Tarot, in short, presents a certain way to frame how I look at the issue at hand (a different lens to see the situation through). No need for special card selection- the special part about it is that a reading forces you to look at something in a completely different way than you otherwise would have, and the "magic" is that you can come to a greater understanding of a situation that you really (deep inside) already know the answer to. That answer isn't necessarily directly correlated with what the tarot spread says- maybe the spread even seems to say something totally contradictory to reality- but the interaction with the cards serves to expand your awarness of a situation by forcing you to look at the situation through another lens.

None of this necesitates any kind of divine intervention in the card selection process. Vibes need not apply!

Now that's just the real-world application of knowing the tarot. Now imagine yourself as a fiction writer. You are a bit stuck on a character- what is his personality? What will he do? How will he react with the other characters? What will happen in the plot? Tarot is a perfect brainstorming tool because it is open-ended and non-specific, but at the same time, it is full of depth. And using tarot for developing works of fiction certainly doesn't need divine intervention in the form of vibes, spirits or other energies in order to work....



I'm entirely with you on this, thinbuddha. I believe that the selection of cards is entirely random but that what we do with them isn't. You can take any card and "apply it" to any situation and make some sort of sense of it. And if the card is different enough from your normal view of the situation it can give you a whole new take on things!

I always use tarot as a "what if..." tool. I also use the cards very playfully. I realise that this may not sit with people who feel that tarot deserves respect but it isn't a case of being disrespectful. It is just that I connect best with my intuitive side when I approach things from a playful perspective.


You are the Vibe

Vibes are energy, but on a personal level...
so when you feel something, that's a "vibe"
and it can be acted upon, resisted, ignored.

The thing is, it's harder to go against things
than to let the energy flow, and so discover
what is behind (within) that prompting vibe.

I think the way Tarot 'works' is personal...
because vibes are personal. Logic tends to
stifle intuition ~ so if you feel a prompting,
however much out of the blue~ listen to it
at least enough to discover that~ it's you.

If someone asked me if they could handle
my cards I would look them in the eyes...
whatever the answer, it would be there. ;)


i am new to this site and also tarot but over this week i have studied more into tarot, out of about 7 readings that i have had done 90% of them have already shown me what i already knew inside of me so tarot to me is like a confirmation of yes what situation i am in and where i am thinking of heading, so i have looked to taort as a friend so as thinbuddha says, and that 90% has been 100% right, i am a very deep thinker of every possibilty of every out come and if i havent looked into enough the cards have let me know, now for the one time the cards where completly wrong was because it was done for the future but as i know we all live in the now qand have the power to change our future that what we planned ofr one day could enough change so not even ourself now what we are going to do from day to day. One last thing i would like to say i dont know if there is such a thing but if people are worried about vibrations with their decks why dont they cleanse them like you can with crystals and with ourselfs. Vibrations and frequency as far as i have read works in living things animals/plants/humans etc. Any form of cards have some mystery behind them just as daily star signs but its what we interpert from them and i can say that every person on this site has so much untapped abilities that we dont know about that is unimaginable


Interesting thoughts thinbuddha and fairyhedgehog. I am a bit of fence-sitter on this issue myself. Some readings I turn over the cards, and the sheer appropriateness of the reply seems so far beyond random that I cannot ascribe it to chance. Other times it is more or less as you both describe. The cards are there and I look at them initially and say my little mantra "Well, this makes no sense whatsoever" and then proceed to let the ideas unfold in my mind. That, I would suggest, is more along the lines suggested by FHH.

I do have an example, and it was sparked by thinbuddha's example of the jerk in the office. There was one in my office who arrived in 1985. He was sooo full of himself, talked non-stop and I found him overbearing in every way. So, I threw cards for him, and they kept coming up incredibly positive. Over the years I did many spreads on him, and he invariably came up extremely positive. It actually changed my view of him and over time we became, well not friends exactly, but very strong colleagues. And indeed the cards were right, he was massively successful and still is. He is well liked and as far as I can see always does the 'right thing' and by that I mean ethically. So, an example of the cards opening my mind to an aspect that I absolutely could not have seen on my own at the time.

I actually divide me readings into those that flow easily, tell me what I already knew or suspected (the 'appropriate' card throws) versus those that seem to have nothing to do with the issue (the 'random' card throws) but lead my mind down new and unexpected pathways, sometimes almost against my will.

Are spirits or whatever, vibes, controlling the cards? Who knows? I sure don't.


troyhoma said:
One last thing i would like to say i dont know if there is such a thing but if people are worried about vibrations with their decks why dont they cleanse them like you can with crystals and with ourselfs.
Thanks for your other thoughts as well, but wanted to respond to this. Many do cleanse their decks. There are various ways to do this: Reiki, passing them through incense, leaving them in the sun (but not outdoors) or moon, store them with a crystal and other mehtods I can't think of at this moment. The idea is to re-attune the decks, and that is indeed vis à vis vibes. I don't do it but have no quarrel with it.


I would find it strange to treat a factory-made mass-produced item as an almost sentient thing, needing respect, and subject to ‘bad’ influences.
I don’t keep my decks in special boxes, cleanse them or perform rituals when using them. To me, such things seem to have more to do with reassuring the reader, and seems akin to superstition and irrationality.

I like to think of myself as a rational, scientifically-minded person (well I try to be anyway :D). And yet, I use tarot…! I often struggle with this contradiction.


fall_guy said:
I like to think of myself as a rational, scientifically-minded person (well I try to be anyway :D). And yet, I use tarot…! I often struggle with this contradiction.
Same here. My degree is in Physics and I have worked my entire life in a scientific field. I struggle with this exact contradiction, but would never abandon either my rational mind or reading the cards.
"God is an iron." Spider Robinson


My Shoes ~ My Mile to Walk

fall_guy said:
I would find it strange to treat a factory-made mass-produced item as an almost sentient thing, needing respect, and subject to ‘bad’ influences.
I didn't make my decks in a factory, I discovered them,
or more often ~ they came to me. They are treasures.
A mere ~twinkling~ separates us in time and space. ;)

fall_guy said:
I don’t keep my decks in special boxes, cleanse them or perform rituals when using them. To me, such things seem to have more to do with reassuring the reader, and seems akin to superstition and irrationality.
Let's say I am by nature an "irrational" creature (human)
and that reactive feelings handed down to me by family
and friends are termed 'superstitions' by unknown others.

Should I behave according to what some stranger thinks?


fall_guy said:
I would find it strange to treat a factory-made mass-produced item as an almost sentient thing, needing respect, and subject to ‘bad’ influences.
I don’t keep my decks in special boxes, cleanse them or perform rituals when using them. To me, such things seem to have more to do with reassuring the reader, and seems akin to superstition and irrationality.
I do agree with you that the cards are mere tools; however, as a painter in my other life, my brushes are mere tools, as well. But I never let anyone put their grubby hands on any one of those, either. And I always treat them with the same respect I treat my tarot deck with--cleaning them, drying them and housing them properly (my brushes, that is).

Now, I really don't "clean" my tarot decks as others here do (I do keep them in boxes to protect them)...but I do see the reasoning behind those who do. I admire people who treat their cards with respect.

Don't forget, (not the least of my personal reasonings here)...those factory-made, mass-produced little slips of cardboard are expensive to replace!

[edited for spacing]