Can you help me decide? DaVinci Enigma or LS DaVinci ?


I absolutely agree with the good things said about the DVE. I have just had it arrive in the mail, & whether or not ill-advisedly, have plunged right in to reading with it. It came up with such in-depth & insightful readings, that I am really standing quite in awe of it! :D (Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of the reader's role, no fear! ;) )

I will continue to ponder its minutiae, & get to know it slowly. I think that it is mainly Leonardo's own wisdom that comes through both deck & book, that should bring out such deep responses in one as a reader.

One must also give due credit, of course, to Caitlin Matthews (who delves principally into Celtic subject-matter). She really does seem to have plumbed the depths of the "Enigma", & come back with something truly worthwhile!


I actually bought both yesterday. I was drawn to the DaVinci tarot, & I really liked the size of the cards, & how they fit in my hand. But the DaVinci Enigma should prove very interesting to use since they have the grid-backs---as stated on the packaging to "enable you to read both connected & disconnected cards."

Strange story: I had bought five decks total (30% off, who can resist?). Two of the five were DaVinci-related decks. Of the five, they were the only ones in which the cards were all out of order upon opening. I was afraid that they were defective, or missing cards at first. Luckily, they were all there.
One of them could have been re-shrink wrapped, but the other one you could tell had its original seal with the gold band. Isn't that weird? Was this the case when anyone else bought theirs, or should I take it as some type omen?