Beauty and the Beast Spread


I love fairytales, and so when ArwenNightstar made some spreads based on them it made me happy ^.^

However, my favourite (and the one I most identified with) was Beauty and the Beast, which does not have a spread. So, I made one!

I welcome any constructive criticism, as I have NEVER made a spread before EVER, being the newbie(ish) person that I am. But I had a go :D


The shape of the spread is like the belljar that is kept over the rose in the story, with card 8 symbolising the rose - the rewards, outcome.

Card 1 - The handle of the belljar - what the witch would have used to put the belljar over the Rose. It is the past, what created the situation.

Card 2 - The top of the belljar. The situation itself, what is happening.

Card 3 - Part of a side/wall of the belljar. How other people view the situation/what it appears to be.

Card 4 - Part of another side/wall. Hidden factors to the situation.

Card 5 - Part of a side/wall. What is preventing you from changing the situation/difficulties.

Card 6 - Part of a side/wall. Who can help you/what kind of help is needed

Card 7 - The floor/bottom of the belljar. How to change it, what you need to do/learn.

Card 8 - The Rose. The rewards, outcome.

I tried to make a spread that can be used as an inner-self spread as well as for divination, as I enjoy versatile spreads - you just need to change it from being about a situation to being about yourself, how to improve yourself etc.

I hope you liked it and that I explained it clearly enough. I would love to hear your opinions on my first attempt :)


That is a neat spread :) Thanks for sharing :)


Goatqueen said:
The shape of the spread is like the belljar that is kept over the rose in the story, with card 8 symbolising the rose - the rewards, outcome.

Oh Brava!!! I am going to have to try this. I love the shape!


Oh, I'm so glad people liked it!

If anybody tries it, I would love to hear how it went for you :D


Has anybody tried it yet? My friend used it and liked it, but she may be biased XD

How did any of you find it?