Hallowquest 25: Spear King, Spear 8, Spear 9, 9th August


The main task is again a meditation, around forging new ideas/ concepts/ things which will go far in your life and setting them free to be born into the future (in Spear 8). Also, identifying inner challenges (in Spear 9).



Well I have been pondering this exercise/meditation, or more specifically the person of the Spear King for some time.
Usually I enjoy the Matthews' writing on the cards and people, but for this King, the different things written about him don't seem to hang together in a coherent whole.
Each sentence reads all right alone, but don't necessarily make sense all together. I end up feeling that he's several different people at the same time, not something I've really felt about the other court characters I met in the pack.

Of course, in one sense, he is several different people, or at least several different facets of a myth character who has emerged in several countries and versions of the Arthurian cycle. But up until now I haven't noticed the disjointed layers; here I do.

I'm not sure entirely who I might meet in meditation then; perhaps this is why I have been wary of beginning. But to move into the unknown is a huge part and purpose of these exercises, so time to step out . . .


Has anyone who has studied with this deck done any work on the Spear King (one of this lessons cards)?
I've hit a bit of a duh?? moment on it and would welcome some conversation on it.


ETA - no-one came forward after a couple of months, so I went ahead anyway. But do feel free to comment anyway if you're reading this and interested.


Meditation on Spear King, Spear Eight and Spear Nine

So at long last I've decided that it doesn't matter if I don't feel comfortable knowing the Spear King, I still have to make the journey!
I did think today that perhaps one of the things I should know from all the various things written is the probability that the energies of the Spear slip away from a person if the don't actively maintain them.

I see the King in the forge - he is not the man shown on the card, but I know it is the right person.
He is heating the Spear in the fire and preparing to hammer away at it - I'm a bit concerned about this! I thought it was so precious, so magical, so sacred?

He says to me "I heat the Spear in the forge until it glows red-hot, I hammer it but it does not really change at all, it is an eternal energy.
I work with it so that my hand fits it better. I am changed."

I get to work a piece of metal; I don't have to strike it hard, just with precision and intent. I make a square - I draw it up and out at each corner. Each corner becomes branches, a whole tree forms. The trunk becomes huge tree, it has a door that I will be able to step through.

I realise that for all my "things" and all my talk about what I could do in the world, I most want to work within nature, I want to travel on an inner journey rather than in the man-made world, which has little appeal to me.
So I set the tree into the river of the Eight of Spears and it sails into every future to wait for me. I must find it, and do the work that comes when I do (this is the Nine), so that I am changed, not the Tree.